By Walter Sorrentino * It is an honor to address you in congratulating on the success of the 20th Congress of the CPC of China at a time of rejoicing for theextraordinary victoryachieved in Brazil, electing president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. We defeated the main world representative of the extreme right in the government of a large country, who ...

The victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, better known as ‘Lula’, in Brazil keeps on fueling hopes, disillusions, debates and questions in Latin America and worldwide. What does it mean for the country’s foreign and domestic politics? How will Lula govern, given he is facing a conservative majority in the parliament? How will Jair Bolsonaro, who already had contested ...

The decline of US hegemony and the rise of different poles of power are debated everywhere in the world. Being a member of BRICS and one of leading countries of Latin America, Brazil has a special weight in these debates. The recent agreement between CELAC and China has provided a greater weight to the Asian country in the debate ongoing ...