On May 15th and 16th, municipal elections were held in Chile together with the election of the delegates who will be tasked with drafting a new Constitution of the State. The electoral process is the institutional canalization of the October 2019 protests. The results exposed a epochal shift in the country’s history. Who are the winners and who are the ...

Chile’s geography is very interesting. The country is thousands of miles long, but it is stuck in a narrow piece of land. On one side are the magnificent Andes, and on the other side is the Pacific Ocean. Between them is a thin country that stretches from the border with Peru in the north to the South Pole. Because of ...

Here we present the first contribution in a series of articles that we will publish on common goods, capitalist extraction and dependence in the Global South, with a special focus on Latin America. A few days ago the discussion about Bolivia and the overthrow of Evo Morales circulated in the media once again. Rivers of ink flowed over the link ...

In Chile, mass protests continue over dissatisfaction with the social system and the renewal of the Constitution. This time, protests coincided with the March 8 holiday. Women in Chile took to the streets to celebrate International Women’s Day and to participate in the protests (thousands of women took part in International Women’s Day marches in Chile on Sunday, calling for calling ...

It will soon have been a month since thousands of people began to demonstrate in the Santiago de Chile Metro. The ostensible reason for the demonstrations was an increase in public transit ticket prices which has been successive since 2007, increasing 3 times in 2018 alone. The protests quickly grew out of control and became violent, leaving 22 dead and ...

Leftists In Retreat Since 2016, forces backed by imperialism in Latin America and the right-wing have enjoyed repeated victories over leftist administrations on the continent. In Venezuela, the Bolivarian government has been under siege by anti-government rioters and the National Assembly, under the leadership of the U.S. backed self-proclaimed president, Juan Guaido. Ecuador’s former left-wing president, Rafael Correa, has been ...