On August 7, an explosion occurred in the harbor of Kocaeli, western Türkiye. The blast, heard over the entire region, took place in grain silos located in the port of Derince. 12 workers were injured. First reporting presented as reason the pressure on grain, which develops certain gases. Investigation is still ongoing. But the Director General of the Turkish Office ...

NATO Defense Ministers will held a summit on the 17th and 18th of February via teleconference. This will be the first NATO summit after the inauguration of the Biden Administration. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has announced among others the following points as the agenda: – NATO 2030 Initiative – Increased burden sharing – NATO mission in Afghanistan – NATO mission ...

Strategies are commonly defined as the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them [1]. At the same time, they involve gaining an overall or long-term military advantage [2]. In this article, however, by “strategic” I mean plans of action designed to achieve the overall economic and commercial aims of the countries in question. ...