Argentine president Alberto Fernández is already in the first months of his second year in office, his administration starting December 2019 and continuing till December 2023; However, at the national level, his party has not yet managed to consolidate its leadership, something that is drawing a lot of attention in spaces of internal power, both in terms of the state ...

Here we present the first contribution in a series of articles that we will publish on common goods, capitalist extraction and dependence in the Global South, with a special focus on Latin America. A few days ago the discussion about Bolivia and the overthrow of Evo Morales circulated in the media once again. Rivers of ink flowed over the link ...

July 9 in Argentina is independence day. This year without a doubt had special characteristics that resonated in the local and also international press. What seemed at first glance to be a national celebration turned into a strong demonstration from the government. Without a doubt the huge protest that took place, despite the fact that the country is still in ...

The World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU) is an international youth platform established by 23 youth organizations from 12 countries in Istanbul on 29th October 2014. It aims to unite all the youth of the world under the same roof of anti-imperialism regardless of any differences. The below statement is the joint youth declaration on the new world after COVID-19 pandemic, ...

Alberto Fernandez’s government has been safeguarding a successful response to the crisis unleashed by the pandemic. While certainly not without difficulties, he is showing the capacity for resolution, elasticity and adaptability. The historic Peronist party in power has found itself at a critical moment. Successfully emerging from the crisis would be a huge political victory, and would undoubtedly have serious ...

There are numerous international organizations today that aim to integrate, facilita trade and generally bring together countries throughout the Ibero-American region. The most promising among them for a long time was the Organization of American States (the OAS). However, this organization has proven unable to resolve some of the critical conflicts in the region and has repeatedly shown a preference ...

The victory of Alberto Fernández in the PASO has generated a financial, social and political earthquake in Argentina. Who is Fernández, and what would his victory mean for the crisis-worn South American country? Argentina’s internal political context Fernández’ incumbent opponent, Mauricio Macri, was likely surprised that, after the economic and social disasters of left-wing Peronism (also known as Kirchnerism), it ...

Argentina recently held their primary elections for the leadership of the country. The so-called “PASO” elections are essentially a prelude to the general presidential elections. Those who receive less than 1.5% of the vote are barred from participating in the general elections which will take place in October. Peronism, represented by former Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Alberto ...

Argentina has officially declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The declaration created a considerable amount of controversy given the strong feelings on the issue in various countries. Background Argentina has received more immigrants than any other Latin American nation. While they are mostly of European origin, many have also come from Syria and Lebanon. There are now around 1.5 million Lebanese ...

The General Assembly of the United Nations urged the United Kingdom to leave the Chagos archipelago, ruling  in favor of the West African country Mauritius. The United Kingdom had already face off with Mauritiu at the UN for control of the Chagos archipelago in February before the International Court of Justice gave a favorable response arguing for the decolonization of ...