Mexico is heading to elections on June 2nd. Ahead of these we spoke to Pedro Vázquez González, member of the National Coordination Committee of the Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo) and Federal Deputy in the Mexican Congress. Thanks for taking the time. Elections are coming up in Mexico… Indeed, we have the largest election in the history of Mexico because ...

Serigne Ndiaye, who worked as a political consultant at the African Union, evaluated the elections in Senegal and their possible consequences for UWI. The new President of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, has been sworn in and taken office. What are the new president’s political leanings in terms of foreign policy? Senegal’s geographical position makes for a complex situation. Located at ...

What powers are behind the attack? Who planned it? What is the target? How is Russian society and the state affected by the attack? Will, and if so, how would Russia respond? UWI author, historian, and political scientist Dr. Mehmet Perinçek evaluated all this for us. Has there been any clarification on the attackers and organizers of the terrorist attack ...