Days after the terrorist attack in Moscow: Support to special military operation increased even further

What powers are behind the attack? Who planned it? What is the target? How is Russian society and the state affected by the attack? Will, and if so, how would Russia respond?

UWI author, historian, and political scientist Dr. Mehmet Perinçek evaluated all this for us.

Has there been any clarification on the attackers and organizers of the terrorist attack in Moscow so far? What the Russian press and official circles say about it?

In Russia, this terrorist attack is not regarded solely as an action of a radical Islamist terrorist organization, ISIS. Russian authorities determine that ISIS was used to conceal the powers behind it. The highest-level officials of the Russian state, including Putin and the head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov, say that this attack was planned directly by the US, British and Ukrainian special services. Already, Trump had said that ISIS was established by Clinton and Obama. Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai had also stated that the US and ISIS were acting in coordination in Afghanistan.

“ISIS attacks those who resist the US”

ISIS has never targeted the US and Israel. They target Hamas, Iran, Türkiye, Taliban who kicked the US out of Afghanistan. So in one sentence: ISIS targets those who resist the US everywhere. The ties between ISIS and the American Intelligence Service are once again revealed by this attack in Moscow.

What is the aim of the attack? To provoke Russia into further moves, unsettle the Russian public, and intensify the warfare?

The Collective West is losing the war in Ukraine. Washington sees this clearly, too. Ukraine’s counterattack has failed. This failure has led to power struggles and divisions within Ukraine. Likewise, the failure causes various divergence within the Collective West.

On top of all this, there is also the possibility of Trump being reelected as president in the near future. It is known that Trump wants to withdraw US presence from Ukraine and other regions of the world. All of this is extremely alarming for the Biden camp, and this terrorist act was planned to reverse this process.

Also, the attack aims to intimidate Russia, trigger an internal conflict, and incite the Russian people against the government and special military operations. Another possible aim might be to push Russia into impulsive actions to definitely eliminate any possibility of peace or reconciliation even if Trump comes to power.

“Russia wouldn’t fall into the trap”

What do you think Russia’s response could be to the attack?

Russia is primarily focused on victory of the special military operation and would refrain from impulsive reactions or acts of violence targeting civilians that would derail its plan. Russia wouldn’t fall into a trap that would prevent any step that would blockade any possible reconciliation path in the event of Trump coming to power.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that this terrorist attack wouldn’t lead to a new phase for the war in Ukraine. Russia would certainly take firm and result-oriented measures to prevent the Western bloc and Biden from squeezing Russia from within with such attacks. These measures might be punishing those responsible for the attack in Ukraine, as indicated by the statements of Alexander Bortnikov.

Common stance of the political parties

Do you think this attack will bring about significant changes of views in the Russian state, politics and society towards the war?

As I mentioned, this action was intended to intimidate Russia, trigger an internal conflict and incite the Russian people against the state. However, far from achieving those, Russia has become more united after the attack. The Russians had already shown their support to the special military operation in the recent election. Now this support increased further and the bonds between the state and the people strengthened.

The same applies to Russian politics. Opposition parties, including the main opposition party, and the country’s leading political forces have taken a common stance in the face of the attack.