By Erkin Feyyaz Eşli Deep in the Sahel, Mali, with its vast deserts and cultural riches, has become the scene of many geopolitical maneuvers. Modern history teaches us to get used to the unexpected, but the recent events in Anefis are unprecedented. Information provided by FAMA (Mali Armed Forces) proves the activity of US PMC Unity Resources Group within the ...

By Gürkan Demir reporting from Tehran, Iran The summit of the “Regional Cooperation Platform for the Establishment of Permanent Peace and Stability in the South Caucasus” took place in Tehran on 23 October. Commitment to develop partnerships, peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries. I followed the summit on site. Here are some important ...

Interview by Meral Akkaya The Republic of Türkiye today, 29 October 2023, is 100 years old. What did the Republic bring to Türkiye? Where has the Republic given to Türkiye in 100 years? Why did Mustafa Kemal Atatürk become a world leader? And what’s ahead of the Republic at the beginning of its second century? Historian and political scientist, Uwidata ...

While tensions around Palestine are increasing, with an Israeli ground operation imminent and the forces of the Resistance responding over all of the region, from Iraq to Yemen, from Lebanon to Syria, the Chinese Foreign Minister travelled to New York to meet his US counterpart. China has taken a clear stance in the conflict, reitareting the demand for a two-state-solution ...

Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein 19 days of Nazi-Zionist bestiality in Palestine, and the world watches impassively as a genocide is committed without the mechanisms of the international system being able to prevent such barbarity. This event has made clear and reiterated the inoperability of the regime as it exists and the need to change it. The COVID 19 pandemic showed the ...

The Schiller Institute has organized on July 8 and 9 an international conference titled “On the Verge of a New World War – European Nations Must Cooperate” in Strasbourg, France. Several politicians and scholars from a wide range of countries participated, and UWI will present a number of selected speeches from the conference. We start our series with the opening ...

Syrian State President Bashar al-Assad’s close associate, former Advisor to Syrian Ministry of Information Prof. Dr. Bessam Abu Abdullah, was the guest on Ulusal Channel from Türkiye. We present some key points from Abu Abdullah, where he evaluated Israel’s attacks on Palestine and latest developments in Western Asia. Translated from Turkish into English by Uwidata. Greater Middle East Project Prof. ...

By Orçun Göktürk, President of the Turkish-Chinese Belt and Road Institute The 3rd Belt and Road Forum ended last Wednesday. During the two-day forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping described the Belt and Road Initiative as ‘part of a great struggle against colonialism and development injustice’. The Belt and Road, which is also described as the largest such initiative in human ...

The war in Palestine continues. It is framed especially by Western politicians and media as a conflict between Israel and Hamas. Is that true? Türkiye has proposed to establish a guarantor system on Gaza and presented itself as ready to take responsibility. What does that mean? And, what should the regional countries do in order to prevent an Israeli ground ...

By Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarité et Progrès (France) “Out of the strong came forth sweetness.” (Judges 14:14) “Pray at night so that people can sleep.” (Hadith) The situation in the Middle East is a shame for all. A shame, because nobody really fought to put an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We have allowed a people who live surrounded by ...