Toward an Alternative World Order

Not half a century has passed since the end of the Cold War, and mankind has already arrived at a critically important truth: “An alternative world order is needed!”

The United States currently holds near hegemonic power over the geopolitical sphere, pushing toward a “unipolar world order” based on theses such as “the end of history,” and the “clash of civilizations”, leaving mankind without hope for a brighter future. The discourse of the “unipolar world” is now associated armed drone attacks in Pakistan, endless internal conflicts in Iraq, and daily shelling in Syria.

“Neoliberal” strategies which promised the betterment of humanity have in reality resulted in the collapse of national economies, financial turmoil, rabid instability and transnational corporations with budgets several times higher than the GDP of most governments aiming to establishing world domination.

Neoliberalism gave nothing to European countries besides “consumer culture and an entire generation, mired in xenophobia and hatred of strangers.” Yet these policies continue, because it is this system which makes it possible for the United States to control and make demands on Europe to push austerity and welfare cuts, or to “increase their defense budgets” to Washington’s benefit. If things continue in this direction, the so called “welfare state” will be nothing but a distant memory. If things continue as  they have been, EU countries will have to accustom themselves to homeless, jobless and people with no hope or connection to their society, as the majority of Americans already have.

The world has already begun to feel this destruction of the “American system” and the “unipolar world order” at their core.

However, as the proverb says, “every cloud has a silver lining.” The American system came with a lot of new practical ideas, which not long ago would have been considered impossible. People who have traditionally been hostile to one another have begun to form common interests. Countries from opposing blocs during the Cold War who were subjected to extreme propaganda have begun to realize that they are not so different after all. And, most importantly, representatives of the intelligentsia and academic circles no longer consider themselves limited to concepts that were formerly presented as an “absolute truth”, and have started to criticize the system. For example, many intellectuals and scientists from countries such as Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, etc., who have all been the targets of US foreign policy, are rediscovering the notion of “geopolitics” and becoming acquainted with the “reality of geographical spaces.” The circumstances have brought Turkey closer to Iran, Iran to closer to Pakistan and Russia, and so on. People who have experienced the hardships of the unipolar world are being united in pursuit of a common goal, and a desire to engage in a new search… the search for an alternative world order.

People around the world are beginning to start building a new vocabulary to overcome the negativity of mainstream thought. New political concepts are coming to the fore based on ideas of justice and fair distribution of resources, rejecting enmity between nations and building an alternative world order to change the destructive logic of a system where 1% of the population gets almost everything and the other  99% are doomed to the remnants. China’s “One Belt, One Road” economic policy is one of the results of this search. Similarly, the idea of Eurasianism,  based on the common interests and solidarity of the entire Eurasian landmass, is showing humanity possibilities for an alternative to the “unipolar world”. Countries all over the world, in opposition to American propaganda, are beginning to talk with each other in an open and honest way. Despite the imposed hostility during the Cold War, today Iran is opening its doors to Turkey and Russia. This allegedly “historical enemy” now supports Turkey in every possible way and is helping to provide it with an alternative. The sale of S-400 weapon systems is the result of the attempt to create this “alternative”.

EU countries are also becoming aware of this trend. Germany in particular understands the destructiveness of US pressure, as the US constantly interferes in Germany’s internal affairs and is now taxing German car companies at unimaginable rates. The German state sees how the search for a new world order has pushed the US into a “defensive position”, condemning them to a path of “destruction” instead of “creation.” Therefore, Berlin is trying to “reduce the level of destruction” and to correct the chaos created by Washington “in order to gain time.” Germany is now even opposing sanctions against Iran and Russia, while trying to build its own foreign policy line.

Naturally, a question arises here: “What will the US do in response to this growing movement?” The US follows the traces of the great empires of the past. They try not to notice “reality in all its nakedness”, but instead try to “change reality for themselves, that is, reshape it their own interests.” “The transition of the United States to defensive positions” has become obvious to us. American statesmen are trying to present this as a “creative destruction for the founding of a new American century”. While we see countries who experienced common suffering as a result of neoliberalism beginning to open up to each other, US experts respond that “as long as there is no alternative to a free market system, these are temporary problems “. However, this is very system which people around the world are now seeking to replace.

That is why new alliances are being formed, and new slogans are beginning to sound around the world: “No to wars!” “No to the neoliberal colonial order!” “No to American weapons!” The fact that today’s claims have no single direction is misleading for American experts who, assessing these voices and hoping for their impotence, do not see the common trend. They are sorely mistaken. Life itself, the greatest teacher, is rapidly changing everything: it is impossible to be happy when we are constantly experiencing hatred, constantly consuming, constantly in search of the enemy, constantly being exposed to advertising, Hollywood films or devouring fast food. This is something understood equally well by the children of El Fallujah, as the residents of Ankara, Tehran , Beijing, Moscow, Islamabad and other megacities. Today it is obvious to everyone that the United States actually promises the world only “dystopia”: the only “choice” they present to humanity is between a society that along the lines of “1984” by G. Orwell or Huxley’s “Brave New World”.

People from the four corners of the world are now uniting against this dystopian vision in search of a new “utopia.” This is the conflict at the center of all of our disagreements! The defenders of dystopia are using all the weapons in their arsenal to prevent others from thinking, dreaming, or offering an alternative path for humanity to follow. In this struggle, those on the side of mankind are nonetheless fighting to build a new world through dialogue and understanding instead of compulsion.


The “United World International” family is opening their door to scientists and intellectuals from all over the world who are in search of an “alternative world order” for the benefit of all mankind: we want to ensure that such voices sound even louder. UWI will not project conflict and violence, but solidarity and compromise. We will attempt to become “a voice for the downcast and disheartened.” Even this minimum level of action allows us to keep our hope in the future of mankind.