Türkiye’s application for BRICS membership: The country is redefining its place in the world

The reasons behind Ankara’s move.

By Onur Sinan Güzaltan

UWI author, political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan gave an interview to Russia Today France on the Türkiye’s application to join the BRICS.

We present the interview translated into English.

What is the point for Türkiye to join the BRICS?

There are several reasons. Geographically, Türkiye is an Asian country and has strong relations with countries like Russia, Iran and China. Becoming a member of the BRICS is therefore a necessity to strengthen these links and to diversify its economic and political partnerships.

What about relations with the US?

The relations between Türkiye and the US have been tense for a long time. The US has supported groups that Türkiye considers terrorists, the PKK and Fethullah Gülen Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) and has implemented financial pressure. These have strengthened Türkiye’s willingness to turn to alternatives such as the BRICS.

Do you think that joining the BRICS could help Türkiye free itself from these Western pressures?

Without doubt. Türkiye is an independent country and has the right to choose its alliances. Actually, joining the BRICS is not only an alternative, but a necessity step to strengthen our economic and political relations especially with Asia. Türkiye’s main trading partners are in Asia.

What is the general opinion in Türkiye regarding BRICS membership and relations with the West?

The majority of the Turkish people is increasingly critical of NATO and no longer sees membership of the European Union as a priority. The idea of joining the BRICS is gaining popularity, especially because of the economic and strategic benefits it could bring to the country.

What could be the repercussions of Türkiye’s membership to the BRICS on its relations with the West?

Joining the BRICS would strengthen Türkiye’s independence. But that might also trigger provocative reactions from the US to prevent Türkiye joining the BRICS, as it sought to limit Türkiye’s relations with Russia and Iran.

How do you see the future of relations between Türkiye and the West in the case that Türkiye becomes a member of the BRICS?

Relations between Türkiye and the West are already complicated, and joining the BRICS could render them even more difficult. But it is clear that remaining in NATO has brought little benefit to Türkiye. By joining the BRICS, we could open new commercial, cultural and military opportunities for the whole of Turkish society.

In conclusion, what does this change mean for Türkiye’s identity and international positioning?

Türkiye is redefining its place in the world. Rather than seeking to join the European Union, it is time to recognize our position in Eurasia and to develop our relations with Asian countries. The BRICS offer an excellent opportunity for this. I think it is the genuine direction that we should explore for the future of our country.