MP Mushvig Jafarov: “Azerbaijan expresses its moral support for the freedom movement of the people in New Caledonia”

By Tahran Oruçoğlu, Baku, Azerbaijan

The history of tension between Azerbaijan and France is not new. France was one of the three co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, which was created to normalize relations and achieve peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. However, during the conflict, the Minsk Group did nothing to solve the problem.

After Azerbaijan ensured its territorial integrity, France’s policy against Azerbaijan became even tougher. France, which fully supports Armenia, did not want to accept the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which is recognized by the whole world. Although support was expressed in official statements, Armenia began to re-arm.

Baku has been hosting big events in recent years. Azerbaijan is now the door of dialogue for countries. Among international events, the gathering of representatives of nations suffering from neocolonialism and colonialism in Baku attracted the most attention of France.

In particular, the officials of New Caledonia, a French colony, participated in dialogue forums in Baku. For this very reason, the visit of the officials of New Caledonia, recognized by the UN as a colonial territory, to Baku broke the silence of the Macron administration.

French Interior Minister Gérard Darmanin claimed that Baku interferes in the internal affairs of Paris. Darmanin accused Azerbaijan, saying “some independence leaders made a deal with Azerbaijan”.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan responded to the French minister and pointed out that they should apologize to Azerbaijan.

“Baku will always express its support to those who suffered from colonialism”

Commenting on the topic, Azerbaijani deputy Mushvig Jafarov said that Azerbaijan will always express its support to those who suffered from colonialism.

“France is the only country that maintains control over former colonial territories under the name of an offshore department and continues its colonial policy in those areas. As a result, tensions have reached their peak in New Caledonia, which is located offshore. Protesters were injured during these clashes. During his speech, the President of Azerbaijan said, ‘The territories controlled by France outside of Europe are disgusting remnants of the French colonial empire. We also call on France to apologize and acknowledge its responsibility for its colonial past, bloody colonial crimes, and acts of genocide against the countries that are members of the Non-Aligned Movement in Africa, Southeast Asia and other territories,’ he said.”

“France wants to commit genocide in New Caledonia”

Mushvig Jafarov added that France wants to commit genocide in New Caledonia.

“For years, France has been interfering in the referendums held on the island and falsifying the votes. The latest step is aimed at influencing the results of the future referendum on the island’s separation from France. France is trying to commit genocide. Paris is trying to accuse Azerbaijan of supporting separatism, which opposes this policy and supports the rightful voice of the Kanak people. I believe that international organizations should oppose oppression and assimilation policies against the Caledonian people and officially express their objections. The fact that the French foreign minister accused Azerbaijan of meddling in France’s internal affairs is directly ridiculous. For more than 30 years, France has been an obstacle to all processes in the South Caucasus, especially peace and stability. It interferes in the internal affairs of regional states. However, our state, on the other hand, expresses its moral support for the freedom movement of a nation that is not an internal issue of France, which irritates Paris very much.”

It is not excluded that the tension in New Caledonia will increase further. However, Baku is expected to continue its support to the suffering people.