NATO orders Switzerland to create alarm among the population in order to abolish neutrality!

Political forces and media in Europe are pretending an immediate Russian attack. They provide according statements and reports, thus trying to convince their public opinion to a warmongering foreign policy, defense policy, budget decisions as well as general political and ideological mobilization in preparation of – their intended – conflict escalation.

A striking example comes from Switzerland, a country known for its neutrality during the entire Cold War. Below is an enlightening declaration of the Communist Party of Switzerland.

NATO orders Switzerland to create alarm among the population in order to abolish neutrality!

An attack “with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles or armed drones” against Switzerland is considered “more probable”. This is stated by the Swiss federal government, which has thus raised the alert level compared to two years ago. The decision is not the result of government assessments, but stems from a study by the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) of the ETH Zurich (Federal Institute of Technology), where there is no lack of “experts” with Atlanticist sympathies who evidently have an exaggerated influence on our ministers.

This reassessment is politically motivated: it serves to justify not only the country’s ongoing arms race, but also to push the General Staff of the Swiss Armed Forces to make dangerous strategic choices such as an alternative deployment of conscripts, among other things increasing the risk of sending our young men to foreign war scenarios. Moreover, this new classification of danger will be the excuse to strengthen social control over citizens and opposition parties by the intelligence services.

Creating alarm among the population is an irresponsible political practice, especially if it is a democratic government that does it:

1) First of all, if in the space of two years, ballistic attacks against our country would have become from “improbable” to “more probable” (assuming this is true!) it is because in the meantime the Federal Government has done everything in its power to destroy the credibility of the Swiss neutrality, has sided in the western war against the emerging countries of Eurasia, has adopted unilateral sanctions strictly only against governments that are disliked by the Americans and the European Union, and has sided unabashedly and always obediently with a (non-defensive!) military coalition like NATO. In short: Switzerland’s ever-increasing subordination to the interests of the EU, the USA and NATO, also as a result of precise choices of military dependence on their defense systems (from the land-air ‘Patriot’ to the technologically constrained F-35A), pushes the Swiss Confederation to renounce its sovereignty and to have to blindly follow the diktats of the USA, antagonizing half the world.

2) Switzerland is encircled by NATO (Italy, Germany and France are members and Austria is bound by it). Given that the Confederation has been part of the “Partnership for Peace” program since 1999 and is therefore considered part of NATO’s sphere of influence, the probability of a missile attack from neighboring countries is practically nil. The possibility of a ballistic strike from countries further away remains just as improbable: not only would any missile (but also an armed drone) be intercepted before reaching Switzerland by the rocked shield already in place in Germany (supported by radar in Turkey and with interceptors deployed from Romania to Spain), but above all, it should be remembered that in order to minimize any risk, our country must simply remain neutral, engaging in dialogue with all geopolitical camps, rediscovering an autonomous foreign policy and avoiding supporting predefined military alliances.

Even in the face of these games played by the Atlanticist ‘think tanks’ operating in our universities and influencing the government and the senior officers of our army, a clear answer must be given by signing the neutrality initiative and inserting this binding principle into the Federal Constitution of Switzerland!