The Attack on Russia is an attack on Türkiye

The Chairman of the Vatan Party (Türkiye), Doğu Perinçek made a statement on the terror attack in Moscow, Russia. UWI presents the statement in English translation.

  • Biden is the only one behind the terror in Moscow. For three reasons: First, to push Europe into the Ukrainian war front. Second, to pave the way for Trump’s move to power. Third, perhaps to draw Russia into a reckoning.
  • Humanity is again at this crossroad. The key to the revolutionary forces that will prevent war lies in the hands of the People’s Republic of China and Türkiye, as well as the nationalist forces in France and Germany.
  • With its policy of pseudo neutrality, the AK Party government is losing Türkiye’s friends and jeopardizing Türkiye’s energy security, homeland security and economy. This policy of false neutrality does not reassure anyone and is now being questioned.
  • Türkiye has entered a process that will make history. We call on all national forces to take a leading role in the Asian positions and strengthen our solidarity with Russia in order to prevent war, protect our energy security, break the shackles on our foreign trade, establish a production economy and strengthen our security.

         Firstly, we express our condolences to the President of the Russian Federation H.E. Mr. Putin and the fellow people of Russia.

         The terrorist attack in Moscow targeting the Russian state and people is also an attack on Türkiye.

Türkiye and Russia are today the frontline countries of humanity in the struggle against Atlantic imperialism.

Russia is Türkiye’s natural ally.

Russia is Türkiye’s closest partner both in economy and security. The AK Party administration, which gives drones and UCAVs to Ukraine and supplies them with ammunition, undermines Türkiye’s energy security and plunges its foreign trade into a severe crisis, damages production and provokes price increases.

Not an ordinary terrorist action

         Judging by the number of victims of the terrorist action in Moscow and the severity of the shock, similar acts of terrorism have happened and are happening. But this act is very different. It opens the curtain on a new process in the world. We are facing a very serious attempt that foreshadows the days to come.

         The power that orchestrated the terrorist act in Moscow knows the processes it is provoking. Those processes are far beyond the scope of a terrorist organization.

The Deep State of Biden’s US at work

         With Nat Pinkerton’s magnifying glass in hand, the world’s and Türkiye’s top terrorism experts have begun to search for and discuss the fingerprints of the terrorist organization that committed the Moscow attack. This is undoubtedly an intelligence mission. Intelligence regarding the fingernails and fangs of the US Deep State, of course! The chatter about the identity of the terrorist organization actually covers up Biden’s terrorist apparatus.

         Yes Biden! Because if we look behind the terror in Moscow, we can only see Biden. For three reasons:

First, to push Europe into the Ukrainian war front. In France and Germany, you need drugs that are more effective than the drums of war in order to rally the young men who are going to die. But in European countries like Germany and France, nationalist parties like Le Pen’s party and the Alternative Party, which are Russia-friendly and opposed to the US control, are gaining strength and marching to power. In this situation, the US has a difficult task and needs major provocations.

The second is to block Trump’s move to power. It is such a move that Trump has crossed the red lines of the US Deep State, and it is now up to the transoceanic plots to repel him.

Third, perhaps to draw Russia into a sharpening reckoning.

Russia shifted from “special military operation” to war

         Until yesterday, Russia described its military intervention in Ukraine as a “special military operation”. Official statements now use the term “war”. Moreover, Russia has declared that it can use tactical nuclear weapons if it sees its existence in danger. The Russian State has warned the world community to stop US aggression if it does not want war.

Global confrontation sharpens and moves towards show down

In his own way, Biden congratulated Putin on his election as President by a large margin. But this congratulation provokes Russia to respond very harshly. The first response of the Russian state, announced by Medvedev, was “death for death, blood for blood”. There is a widespread belief that the scale of the violence will be such as to terrify the enemy forces. The question is where this escalation will lead.

In fact, the clock was ticking in Russia’s favor. On the Ukrainian front, Russia is marching to victory against the Atlantic powers. On the Palestinian front, the defeat of the US and Israel is in sight. The reign of the dollar is collapsing, and Trump is in charge of the US.

The US is aware that the clock is ticking in favor of Russia and Rising Asia. Biden’s USA, which masterminded the terrorist act in Moscow, is provoking a process that risks war instead of losing peacefully.

Desperation at the root of madness

         It is the desperation of the US and its collaborators like Zelensky that is the cause of the madness that has triggered the spread of war. The factor that will prevent war will be the aggravation of this desperation. The war forces, led by Biden, must be isolated and realize that they are up against great powers.

Key powers to avert the threat of war: Türkiye and the People’s Republic of China

Either revolution prevents war, or war leads to revolution. Humanity is again at this crossroads. The key to the revolutionary forces that will prevent war lies in the hands of the People’s Republic of China & Türkiye and the Nationalist forces in France and Germany.

The determination of the People’s Republic of China in the Taiwan Strait confronts the United States with the threat of war on two fronts and restrains it.

Türkiye is the key country in West Asia to strengthen the solidarity of its neighbors Syria, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia. US-led terrorist organizations such as the PKK/PYD/YPG/PEJAG and DAESH in the north of Syria and Iraq can be eliminated through joint military action by the countries of the region. Türkiye’s decision to do so is a historic task.

The terror in Moscow is a call for us Asians to unite. The rise of Asian civilization is now being tested on the fronts of Eastern Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and Palestine.

The trap into which the AK Party government has been drawn

         In the spring of 2023, the AK Party government was lured into a trap by being directed towards a strategy in line with the US and Israel.

In that trap, the government is distancing itself from Russia, Palestine, Syria, Iran and China.

In that trap, the government opened new areas for the US threat by approving Finland and Sweden to join NATO.

In that trap, Türkiye is giving the PKK, FETO and DAESH terrorists a chance to breathe.

In that trap, Türkiye offends Russia and Iran and jeopardizes its energy security. Türkiye is also isolating himself in the Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus. 

Disastrous pseudo-neutrality

We are at gunpoint due to the pseudo-neutrality.

The AK Party government jeopardizes energy security, domestic security and economy with its policy of pseudo-neutrality.

The AK Party government provides military aid to Zelensky, the US-led pro-Israeli Zelensky, and sends a message of condolence to Russia.

The AK Party government bows to US pressure to impose sanctions on Russia and Iran. It sends a congratulatory telegram to Putin.

The AK Party government does not withdraw its hand from the US-led separatism that threatens China’s territorial integrity.

This pseudo neutrality policy does not reassure anyone and is now being questioned.

Our top two trading partners are Russia and China. We get 68 percent of our energy from Russia.

The imposed neutrality is not only fake, it jeopardizes the Turkish economy and energy security.

Neutrality is a call for war. Because war is prevented not by neutrality, but by taking a front against the threat of war.

Let’s withdraw from NATO, let’s prevent war.

If we cannot withdraw from NATO under the AK Party government and this Parliament, let us at least take initiatives to save NATO countries from being dragged into war under US pressure. Let us make calls to the youth of Germany and France, “Do you want to die for the dirty interests of the USA?”

In this environment where the contradictions in the world are sharpening, the neutral parties will be eliminated.

Since Türkiye will not be eliminated, the Turkish nation will throw the AK Party government off its back.

History’s clock accelerates

Türkiye has entered a process that will make history.

The process leading to the National Government of the Producers, which will prevent the threat of war and revive our economy, has accelerated.

As the Vatan Party, we call on all national forces to take the leading position waiting for us in the Asian positions and to strengthen our solidarity with Russia in order to prevent war, to protect our energy security, to break the shackles on our foreign trade, to establish a production economy and to strengthen our security.