Missiles of Yemen, the wreckage of US aircraft and partnership against the West

By Özgür Altınbaş

Yemen has become the first state to join the war in Palestine. The Yemeni army has targeted the military structures of both the US and Israel with ballistic missiles and UAVs.

We conducted an interview with Ali El-Gahum, a member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah (Houthis), on the current situation and their policy.

A timely and correct decision

Ali El-Gahum stated that Yemen made a “timely and correct decision to support Palestine and its oppressed people, mobilizing all its resources and capabilities of its leadership and the public”. Highlighting Yemen’s capability to strike all strategic targets in the occupied territories of the aggressive Zionist power, El-Gahum remarked, “We have demonstrated this capability in both words and actions. In line with our leader’s instructions, the Yemeni state and the Ministry of Defense have instilled fear in the hearts of Americans and Zionists using long-range ballistic missiles covering a distance of 2,000 km and advanced UAVs.”


Missiles and UAVs of Yemen

Ali El-Gahum said that despite Israel’s attempts to cover up the success of Yemen’s missiles and UAVs hitting their targets, “Yemen’s military capabilities have created hysteria and shock in the enemy.” He emphasized that the Israeli defense system failed to intercept the missiles and UAVs of Yemen and thus “Yemen has demonstrated that it is a regional power capable of defending its sovereignty and independence with strategic military industry and political determination.”

Photos of the wreckage of US aircraft

On November 9th, the Yemeni army announced the downing of a MQ-9 drone of the US. Then the US confirmed that. El-Gahum, referencing this, stated, “We shot down a reconnaissance drone of the US that attempted to violate Yemen’s sovereignty and enter our airspace. The photos of the wreckage of US aircraft is a sign that any military aggression by Washington against Yemen will come at a high cost. The fact that Yemen, despite years of embargo, occupation and plots, has effective defense and attack capabilities has raised concerns to the Americans.”

El-Gahum said that the efforts of the US and Israel to keep Yemen away from the central issue of the region, the Palestinian and Jerusalem issue, have failed: “On the contrary, Yemen has shown itself as a deterrent, resilient, and victorious force against the attacks on Palestine and Gaza by the US, Zionists, and the West. The Aqsa Storm Operation presented a powerful and honorable stance that shook the foundations of the Zionist power. Yemen, in the face of the ruthless and unlimited support of the US and the West to the Zionist occupiers, has undertaken the historical responsibility of standing against the Zionist atrocities and massacres and responding to it with an equivalent force. We will be in a state of mobilization until the Palestinian people are free. The Zionist military structure will be shattered by Allah’s leave.”

Building partnership against the West

El-Gahum also had a message to the countries in the region: “The West supports the barbaric and savage aggression of the Zionists in Gaza. To counter that, an international partnership should be built between, especially between Türkiye, Iran and Russia.”