“Turning point in Palestinian history”

The Palestinian journalist Mohammad Abu Takiya spoke to the Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal on the reasons and scope of Hamas operation.

Below we present the English translation of the interview.

For fundamental rights of Palestinians

What is the reason behind this operation of Hamas?

The Al-Aqsa Storm operation is launched against the relentless Israeli occupation. The operation is primarily focusing on the fundamental rights of Palestinians regarding Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Judaization plan

One of the primary catalysts behind this operation has been Israel’s unprecedented incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque with a force of 48,000 occupiers since September 25. This incursion has never been witnessed before and is a blatant violation. Another crucial factor is the steps towards the planned Judaization of the West Bank. The Netanyahu government aims to legitimize illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and relocate an additional 2 million people here within the next two years. This means that more Palestinians being displaced from their land and forced into exile.

“A turning point in Palestinian history”

The Hamas operation is said to have shocked Israel.

Gaza has been under occupation for 17 years and under constant and around the clock surveillance by the occupiers. There’s a rigorous intelligence operation in place. The ability to carry out this operation despite that is a significant achievement. I consider it a turning point in Palestinian history, demonstrating that Palestinians can go beyond defense and launch an offensive to secure their rights.

What sets the Al-Aqsa Storm apart is its attempt to formulate a new strategy of resistance. Secondly, it unifies the resistance in Gaza with that in Jerusalem. In previous years, measures were taken by the occupiers to prevent Palestinians from defending Jerusalem. With this operation, it’s been made clear that every development in Jerusalem will receive a response from the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank.

Preparations since 2013

How was this operation planned and executed?

Planning and execution of an operation like this do not happen overnight. We can say that preparations have been underway since 2013-2014.

I’d like to emphasize another point: According to the intelligence held by the resistance forces, Israel was in the advanced stages of preparing for a major operation, so the resistance took proactive measures to prevent this and shocked Israel.

What is the objective of the operation?

First and foremost, the resistance aims to secure the safety of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Secondly, they seek to prevent all new illegal occupation measures. Additionally, the resistance’s struggle has led to the lifting of the blockade in Gaza, and they aim to maintain this situation.