Ukraine, Africa and Europe’s fateful choice

The approach that the Ukraine conflict has been instigated by the US to detach Europe from Russia and, thus Asia, is gaining wider acceptance day by day.

The US, by stirring turmoil in Ukraine, a convergence point of Europe and Asia, aimed in the short term to hinder Eurasian integration and in the long-term China’s extension to Europe through Eurasia.

Europe tagging behind the US

The sanctions imposed by the Anglo-Saxons on Russia and the targeting of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline are clear examples of the pursued strategy.

European governments, resembling medieval vassals, played a role in the anti-Asian strategy of the Anglo-Saxons

However, as the war drags on, political and economic devastation in Europe has accelerated. The economic crisis stemming from the energy crisis struck the entire continent from Germany to Portugal.

Consequently, European countries, including architects of the anti-Asian strategy England, have witnessed, and are still witnessing government changes.

Parallelly, political movements advocating Europe’s independence from the US are gaining strength and increasing their influence on public opinion, even if they have not yet assumed power.

Sarkozy’s emergency call

A noteworthy statement came from former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, a prominent voice of the French bourgeoisie, in an interview with Le Figaro, where he called for “diplomacy and dialogue” to resolve issues with “neighboring Russia.” This is important in terms of representing the new tendency in Europe. It is also the emergency call of the European bourgeoisie.

Reading Sarkozy’s statements together with recent developments in Africa will further illuminate the overall situation.

The rising wave of independence and revolution in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Gabon is of great concern to Europe. The European bourgeoisie, weakened in its ties with Russia and Asia due to the Ukraine war, now faces the threat of losing access to vital raw materials in Africa.

In the coming period, it is likely that calls like Sarkozy’s would come.

The paths ahead for Russia and Europe

In Europe, not only the bourgeoisie but also the people is facing with the consequences of following the US’ policies.

The ongoing economic crisis signals a period of movements like the Yellow Vests and similar popular uprisings.

At this point, the approaches of Russia and China will hold significance for the future of Europe.

The two major powers in Asia must decide whether to align with the independence tendencies of the European bourgeoisie, which had given birth to Atlanticism, thereby supporting Europe’s continuity with centrist figures like Sarkozy, or take a stance favoring radical changes that could result from popular movements.

Russia and China’s current policies indicate that they will support the first orientation, in so far as figures like Sarkozy tend to distance themselves from the US.

The possible support for the second depends on whether popular movements evolve into a political organization, shaping up as a concrete and organized alternative.

Having closed the door to Asia with its own hands, Europe now finds the door to Africa closing as well.

There are two different options raising in Europe: either to continue as vassals of the US in the New Middle Ages or to integrate with Asia through Eurasia.