Ukraine is tired – is Poland entering the game?

By Hüseyin Vodinalı

Putin wants an agreement on the current status quo in Ukraine.

Biden (and the oligarchy that rules him behind the scenes) wants an electoral victory or, if not, the continuation of the war.

Ukraine is devastated. It has no military left. Its weapons are not enough.

It manages with pipeline, bridge, and dam sabotages.

The final trump card is very dangerous: a dirty nuclear bomb or the detonation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

Kiev and USA will blame Russia as usual.

The nuclear clouds spreading over NATO countries will allow the war to expand. That is, according to the Americans, who hold the strings of Ukrainian leadership.

After all, they’re pretty far away and safe.

But I think the real plan is to engage Poland, one of NATO’s largest armies and one of the US’s most loyal satellites in Europe.

Poland has been in the game since the very beginning of the war in Ukraine.

However, it works as a reserve force and logistics center.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, thousands of Polish “mercenaries” have died in Ukraine since the beginning of the war.

American weapons sent via Poland also bring critical importance to Warsaw.

Finally, the Belarusian opposition forces trained to stage a coup in Belarus are based in Poland.

The chain of events that strengthens my claim is not new, but the momentum of events is new.

President Andrzej Duda, who is Poland’s anti-Russian and American lover, went to Kiev on June 28 (yesterday) and gave the message to Zelensky, another US puppet: “We are getting into the game”.

The critical threshold for this is the NATO Summit to be held in Vilnius in mid-July.

Duda, who is also the President of Lithuania in Kiev, stated that Ukraine will prevail despite Russia’s attacks in Kiev, “We are doing everything possible so that the NATO summit in Vilnius is as decisive as possible and brings a clear perspective on Ukraine’s NATO membership. ” said.

The July NATO Summit is critical.

Whatever can be done so that Ukraine does not lose, will be done.

The importance of Poland at this point is also increasing.

The “Conference on the Recovery of Ukraine” was held in London on 21-22 June and marked the transition to a new phase of the war against Russia: the United States, NATO and the EU not only continue to arm Kiev, but also Europe, making it the front line of a protracted conflict with Russia.

Veteran Italian Author Manlio Dinucci, in his latest article “The ‘Korean Solution’ for Europe, “Create a ‘Military Border Line’ in the EU, put Ukraine under Polish Tutelage,” pointed to a few indications of what the plan might be:

  1. Establish a formally demilitarized military demarcation line in Europe, similar to the line that has divided the Korean peninsula for 70 years, through an armistice with Russia.
  2. There is an intention to place Ukraine, which is officially outside NATO, under the “tutorship” of Poland, which, at the official request of Kiev, will permanently deploy its military forces together with those of the three Baltic Republics and possibly other NATO countries.

Thus, the cost of the “recovery of Ukraine” is expected to be between 400 billion and 1 trillion dollars, which is remitted to the European Union.

Military affairs are left to Poland.

The plan actually stems from the failure of the “Ukrainian counterattack”.

“An unwinnable war, Washington needs an endgame in Ukraine,” writes RAND Corporation analyst Samuel Charap. “It is also possible that it will agree to the line.”

The former NATO secretary general, Anders Rasmussen, further elaborates this scenario: “We know that Poland is very busy providing special assistance to Ukraine. In this context, I do not rule out the possibility of Poland sending troops to Ukraine.”

Poland, which has historical hostilities with Russia, also has a strong reason to enter the game instead of Ukraine: to take back cities and lands in western Ukraine, such as Lvov, which belonged to her in history.

Poland, with names such as Leh Walesa, Pope John Paul II and Zbigniew Brzezinski, continues to pursue ambitious goals as a complement to American policies towards Eastern Europe and Russia.

According to Turkish geopolitical master ret. Admiral Cem Gürdeniz, Poland declared the Three-Seas-Initiative by Polish President Andrzej Duda from 2015, and almost 100 years later the Józef Piłsudski plan was revived.

The initiative aimed at the economic and infrastructure development of twelve countries located between the Baltic, Black Sea and Adriatic Seas.

Overconfident in its role as a US bodyguard in NATO, Poland is taking the lead in the region, bypassing Brussels and Germany.

I quote from Gürdeniz: “Among the transportation infrastructure investments of the initiative, the most important corridor that will contribute to NATO’s military mobility in the eastern flank is Via Carpatia. This axis aims to connect the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania to Thessaloniki in Greece via Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. These and other transport corridors are seen as important for NATO to increase its deterrence along the north-south and other corridors along the eastern line.”

Capable to think of opposing Russia and even Western Europe under the command of Anglo-Saxon geopolitics Poland is now on the brink of a hot war.

Unlike Ukraine, Poland, which is a NATO member, takes on the role of the igniter (even though it is not a subject but an object) as in World War II.

However, as it has always been seen in history, border countries such as Poland, the Baltics and Ukraine have always been harmful at the end of the war.

The real issue is, of course, the western oligarchy that always thinks, “war is good for business”.