“Africa will be the grave of globalism” (*)

United World International has started publishing papers that were presented to the Global Multipolarity Confernce held on April 29. UWI published the video address of Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, to the conference that was organized by Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement.

Recent publications included the presentations of Dr. Elie Hatem, Vice President of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR), Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, Greek journalist and geopolitics expert and Mitsuhiro Kimura, leader of the Japanese movement Issuikai.

Today we present the speech of Kemi Seba. Originating from Benin, Seba is a Pan-Africanist political leader and the head of his NGO Urgences Panafricaniste.

Peace be with you all,

First of all, I would like to extend my best regards to my colleague Alexander Dugin and honor the memory of his daughter, Darya Dugina, who devoted her life to promoting the idea of multipolarity and the sovereignty of all nations. May her soul rest in peace. I know that she is watching us closely in our daily struggle.

You know that we are fighting on the African continent, within the African community, we are fighting for the peoples of Africa to gain the right of self-determination and finally to gain sovereignty. Our ancestors fought against colonialism, then against neocolonialism, and today, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, we are faced with a new, extreme form of colonialism. This form is the most predatory, the most criminal, the most brutal, because it generates not just genocide as such, but genocide cultural, spiritual, political, economic. This extreme form of colonialism was caused by neoliberal globalism in the economic and social spheres. This is why all of us today, the opponents of this kind of globalism, are fighting it hand in hand, as it sucks our blood, this is cancer that seeks to cut off the oxygen to all of us. All of us, regardless of color, origin, nation, are confronted with the manifestations of this destructive, brutal policy that aims to create a world government where no one should be different and different from others.


The struggle we are waging on the African continent began as a struggle against French neocolonialism, but later it became clear that French neocolonialism is part of a much larger, much deeper oligarchical system whose center is the United States. This system seeks to standardize humanity, to impose on it a certain, deeply “Westernized” way of life, a way of thinking. We speak of the West referring to its physical dimension, which is familiar to us, but above all to its metaphysical dimension, which has long been detached from reverence for tradition. It is the unity of different peoples, clearly aware of their identity, which goes back centuries, that will enable us to rise up against this regime, that will enable us to free ourselves.

The Western oligarchy believes that all peoples should accept its way of life, that they should all adopt it. But there are people like Zhang Weiwei in China, to whom I also send my regards, Alexander Dugin in Russia, people on the African continent, and many others who have chosen a different way of life, a way of life in which we honor our ancestral traditions, understand the connection of ancient traditions with the identity of our peoples, and, in doing so, understand geostrategy better than ever. For it is impossible to grasp the reality of tensions in the material world without awareness of the immaterial. Our people on the African continent face a monster with many heads but only one heart. That heart is the oligarchy centered in the United States. And until we put an end to this monster, it will oppress not only us, but all the peoples of the world. Let us act together, together! The stakes are high, and we must do it. It’s time to understand that what happens on the material level is connected to what happens on the immaterial level. It’s time to understand that this is not just a confrontation between East and West or North and South. It is a confrontation of Good and Evil. It is a confrontation of eradication of peoples and their promotion, it is a confrontation of belief in the immaterial and belief in materialism, it is a confrontation of balance and imbalance, it is a confrontation of justice and injustice. Africa will be the main field of this battle. It is already the center of this “war of the worlds”. There is also Ukraine, which we talk a lot about, but in the end, the center of this global conflict will be Africa, the matrix of humanity, which will be the grave of the domination of globalism. In honor of our ancestors and with faith in Creator who does not give birth and was not born. Peace be with you all.

* Title given by editors.