One step further in the Ukrainian War: “We are on the brink”

History books will write: “On 3 May 2023, the Kremlin was attacked by drones to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

In French, the phrase “table rase” is used for the 1789 Revolution. Instead of translating it literally, rather one could explain it as the moment when everything is reset, a new beginning after the destruction, a great cleansing or a new clean slate.

The signs indicate that we are on the verge or even in the midst of a global table rase.

Ukraine is where the conflicts between the West and the East which are leading the world towards a table rase are taking place on a micro scale. The effects of every city, town, village and battle won or lost are felt in various parts of the world.

Bringing the war to Russian territory

The attacks on the Kremlin and other locations in Russia show that the expected and exaggerated “Ukrainian counter-attack” will not be limited to Ukrainian territory.

The new US strategy is to carry the war onto Russian territory.

After the attempted attack on Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: ”Decisions on such terrorists attacks are not made in Kyiv, but in Washington. We have this data. Kyiv is doing what is said to it… We know that often it isn’t even Kyiv that determines the targets, but Washington.” The Kremlin holding the US directly responsible for the attacks is also a clear indication that a new phase has begun.

At this point, two intermediate aims of the US can be identified:

  1. To undermine Russia’s ongoing operations,
  2. To force Russia into an unplanned tough response.

And thus to destabilize Russia from within as well as to lay the ground for a Ukrainian counter-attack.

It is unlikely that the Kremlin would not respond to an attack on the heart of Russia.

Peskov’s statements blaming the U.S. for the attack raise the possibility of a response to be directed against US targets.

Although Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said “We are already on the brink (…) We are working to ensure that relations with the U.S. do not fall into the abyss of open confrontation”, it would not be surprising if American targets all over the world were struck directly or indirectly in a striking way.

“We have lots of patience”

In parallel with these developments, it is worth noting the statement of US Chief of Staff Mark Milley: “If Ukraine falls, the existing world order will collapse”.

With this statement, Milley declares that the U.S. sees the war in Ukraine as a matter of life and death for the maintenance of the unipolar world order and that it can resort to any means – including nuclear – against Russia.

We are in a new phase where the nuclear powers are getting thoroughly closer to the edge of the abyss.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks that “we have lots of patience” can be taken as a sign that Russia will not be hasty in responding.

But there is no doubt that the response, sooner or later to come, will irrevocably change the fate of the world…

The course of the events is perhaps hidden in Mao Zedong’s words: “There can be no construction without destruction, no water flows without a dam, no progress without stagnation.”