Iran-Saudi agreement paved the way for a solution in Yemen

By Işıkgün Akfırat

Solution-oriented diplomacy is advancing in a breathtaking speed in West Asia. After Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria, the times of peace have started in Yemen. Ali Al- Kahum, one of the leaders of the Ansarallah Movement emphasized Russia’s resistance to the West and China’s role as “great power that puts out the fires” in the region. He said that Türkiye also could take initiatives in Yemen.

The wind of peace and cooperation continues to blow in West Asia. The USA, Israel and the European Union are completely out of the equations. Yesterday’s quarreling countries are today sitting and talking, solving their problems with the support of Asian powers. The swamp of imperialist war and strife is being drained. After the Iran-Saudi peace, the end of the war in Yemen is also on the horizon.

The National Salvation Government, which controls Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a, has fought for independence and sovereignty for 8 years under the blockade of US and Israeli-backed forces. The resistance of the Yemeni people finally bears fruit in the Asian climate. In the past weeks, delegations from Saudi Arabia and Oman met with the leaders of the Ansarallah Movement, which is at the head of the resistance. Prisoner exchanges were made. It has been announced that the final problems have been resolved in the draft agreement.

Ali Al-Gahum, Member of the Political Bureau of the Ansarallah Movement, spoke to UWI about the peace process in Yemen, the position of the US-Israel in the conflict and his organization’s views on the rising Asian powers.

The agenda of accelerated negotiations

What is the latest situation regarding the peace agreement process in Yemen? What do you expect from the other side and what steps do you plan to take?

Yemen’s national stance on peace is clear and unequivocal. Our priorities are:

  • Addressing humanitarian issues,
  • Payment of the salaries of the civil servants,
  • Stopping the violence,
  • Lifting of the blockade,
  • Ending the occupation,
  • The exit of foreign powers,
  • Reconstruction of the country,
  • Compensation for war damage
  • Release of prisoners
  • Preparing the environment for solving the problems of Yemenis without external tutelage,
  • Respect for Yemen’s sovereignty and independence.

In order to realize these goals, accelerated negotiations are carried out under the mediation of Oman. The positive indicators and optimistic atmosphere regarding the progress and success of Oman’s efforts are commendable.

“Iran-Saudi agreement opened the door to solution”

How do you evaluate the peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia and how has it affected the peace negotiations in Yemen?

We find the success of the common understanding and agreements in the region positive. These have positive results in the domestic reality of the countries and will inevitably reflect positively on other issues in the region. Tensions will be brought to an end. Problems will be resolved. We believe this agreement creates the opportunity for a bold progress in understanding and resolving problems through negotiations and agreements.

We are watching closely the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement and its benefits in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and other countries in the region. We hope that this will have positive repercussions in Yemen, and that the “bogeyman of Iran”, which is one of the excuses for aggression against Yemen, will come to an end. With this rapprochement and agreement, fears will end and the aggression against Yemen will stop. A bold policy is required in order to resolve the problems, establish a just peace and achieve good neighborly relations in Yemen.

“Those who stand against Western hegemony belong to us”

What is the connection between the ongoing conflicts and assassinations in Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine and the war in Yemen? What is the US and Israel’s position?

The US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have attempted to justify their aggression against Yemen by what is going on in the region, especially with the hostile and colonial policies of the Americans and Zionists targeting the peoples, plundering their wealth and setting fires for spurious reasons.

Those who care about the Yemeni people in the affairs of the Arab and Islamic world are the ones who stand by the grievances of the peoples of the region in the face of the arrogance, hegemony and Western arrogance led by the American Zionists who continue their evil, destructive and colonial projects on the basis of the central position of the Palestinian issue. The Palestinian cause heads the list, because the enemy and the cause are one. The Yemeni people will take a sincere stance against the American-Zionist project in Yemen and the entire region.

“We will expel the US military that besieged Yemen”

How do regional and world powers, as well as the US and Israel, approach the peace process in Yemen?

There are intense attempts by the Americans and the temporary Zionist entity to hinder the peace efforts in Yemen. In particular, there is an influx of American forces and an intense military presence in Bab el- Mandeb and the coasts of Yemen led to Mayon Island, Bab el- Mandeb, Socotra Island. They are also taking steps such as establishing a military base in Hadramut together with the British.

We will not allow the presence of Americans in the occupied territories who support and strengthen the criminal elements Al Qaeda and ISIS, which they put forward as excuses for their continued presence. We will put an end to all their excuses. As we follow these hostile movements closely, we will cut off American hands reaching Yemen. We will not allow these attempts to continue.

“Eastern countries have seen the Western conspiracy in Yemen”

In general, how do you evaluate the position of developing countries such as Russia and China in Western Asia?

Eastern countries initially ignored the criminal and unjustified aggression against Yemen, the major international conflicts, especially the aggression announced from Washington, a suffocating blockade by land, sea and air, and the destruction of everything related to the life of the Yemeni people.

However, in the past years, there has been a change in the positions of Russia, China and other countries. The East and the BRICS countries have realized the extent of the West’s conspiracy and destructive colonial projects in Yemen. This acknowledgement started with the US presence and control in Bab al- Mandab, which poses a threat to the entire region.

“China rose as power that extinguishes fires”

After the West showed its hostile attitude especially in Ukraine and targeted Russia, we see that the international climate has changed and unipolarity has been broken. With international initiatives breaking this American hegemony, China is emerging as a major power involved in extinguishing fires and ending problems in the region.

Making the Iran-Saudi deal hosted by China and the US and the West losing their role here have renewed hopes for stopping the aggression, lifting the siege and achieving a just peace in Yemen. We look forward to playing a positive role in achieving this peace.

“Türkiye may show its weight in Yemen”

What do you expect from Turkey and other regional countries in the context of peace negotiations?

Türkiye is an Islamic country with important weight and relations in the region. We consider every contribution of Ankara and other countries in the region to help advance the wheels of just peace in Yemen, to ensure peace in the region, to solve the problems through dialogue, understanding, good neighborliness, non-interference in internal affairs, to reach people’s desires and desires for change, and to build their countries in a way that realizes their domestic national interests, positively. We welcome every initiative to raise the level of good relations with Arab and Islamic countries.