Integration into Azerbaijani society is a chance for the Armenians of Karabakh

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani site Day.Az about the preliminary discussions on the reintegration of Armenian population of the Karabakh region into Azerbaijan. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English.

The meeting between the Azerbaijani side and representatives of the Armenian population of the Karabakh region in Khojaly is an important step in terms of strengthening the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The contacts that have begun are a natural process that is fully consistent with international law. The Karabakh region belongs to Azerbaijan, this territory is an internationally recognized integral part of it, and the inhabitants of this territory are its citizens.

Well-known Turkish political scientist, historian and publicist Mehmet Perinçek said this in an interview with Day.Az.

This meeting, he noted, proves Baku’s benevolence towards the Armenian minority.

“I know first-hand that in Azerbaijan there is no hatred for other peoples, even for Armenians. Therefore, even after the occupation of the early 90s, Armenians continue to live in the country. There is no doubt that the Armenians of Karabakh will enjoy all civil rights, both by law and in practice. The process that has begun will help to conclude peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In addition, the Armenian population of the Karabakh region gets a huge chance. Let me remind you that even Armenia itself did not recognize the “independence” of the separatists, and the Armenians of Karabakh spent thirty years in isolation from the world. Integration is Armenian minority into Azerbaijani society will contribute to the prosperity of the Armenians of the republic. They will live peacefully on this land, develop, and be able to become part of a prosperous Azerbaijan”, Perinçek said.

Our interlocutor also touched upon Sergey Lavrov’s recent visit to Baku and noted that the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister once again showed that the Ankara-Moscow-Baku axis plays a very important positive role in the South Caucasus. This cooperation will prevent outside interference and ensure regional integration, the Turkish political scientist believes. Armenia, without wasting time, must join the regional initiative and get rid of the patronage of Western countries, which has always harmed the peoples of the region, especially the Armenians themselves, Mehmet Perinçek stressed.