The Mexican – Russian Parliamentary Friendship Group, Mexico’s proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine, Latin American perspectives on the conflict, Mexican – US relations and Mexicans living in the US as well as the approaching midterm elections in the US Congress...
I spoke about all this with an experienced politician and leader just south of the border: Alberto Anaya Gutiérrez has been active in Mexican politics for years. He has long been National Coordinator of the Labor Party (Partido del Trabajo), which has supported current President López Obrador’s candidacy and is in coalition with his MORENA (Movement of National Regeneration).
The Labor Party is present in important numbers in both the Chamber of Deputies as well as in the Senate. Gutiérrez himself has been elected to the Chamber of Deputies several times, where is he is currently the Chairman of the Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group Mexico-Russia.
The interview took place in the headquarters of the Labor Party in Mexico City.
You are Chairman of the inter-parliamentary group of friendship between Mexico and Russia. The establishment of the group in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies has caused some discussion. What were the reactions that you faced upon its establishment?
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has caused great international and national debate. Notwithstanding, we leave aside what the regulation of the Chamber of Deputies foresees: The establishment of friendly relations and groups of friendships with all the countries of this world – with all due respect to their national sovereignty and without interfering into their domestic affairs.
The article 89 of the Mexican Constitution establishes principles of foreign policy as state policy, i.e., independent from the current government’s orientation. This articles imposes on the government the respect for other nation’s self-determination, prohibits interference into their domestic affairs, but also promoting the peaceful negotiation in conflicts between nations.
Therefore, our country has, following our constitution, rejected cutting relations with Russia and also has rejected applying sanctions.
Constitutional provision to have friendship group with Russia
Taking the constitutional principle of promoting peaceful solutions to international conflicts into account, would you argue that having these relations with Russia is even more important than ever? That is, is the conflict a reason more for maintaining these relations instead of cutting them?
Yes, of course. The Mexican government in person of President López Obrador has started a new initiative in order to seek a ceasefire, which then would open the path for a lasting peaceful and political, not military solution. And here, maintaining relations is fundamental.
Besides, our relations with Russia go way back – to 1925, when Mexico established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Mexico has played a leading role in the establishment of the One-China-policy as well, recognizing the People’s Republic of China very early as the sole representative of China.

The United States “is keener on war than peace”
Returning López Obrador’s proposal: It is pretty obvious that the United States is not very interested to look for a ceasefire and a negotiated settlement…
Truth is, more than peace, they are looking for war. The United States is keener on war than on peace. And there is a reason for that.
The United States is already a declining power. The lost the war for economic development, they lost the war for technological progress, they lost the war in competitiveness. And now, they want to compensate these defeats by military means in a globalized world. They were the knights of free trade, but have today returned to protectionism. They are de-recognizing all treaties they have with the world, because they acknowledge that in a free and open world, they are not competitive anymore. The United States is a decaying, junk country.
“The United States is a decaying, junk country”
The most advanced and actual technology and science do not come from the United States. It comes from Asia. They are loosing even in their domestic market. For instance, Japanese, Korean or German cars dominate the US automobile market.
Then the question arises: How can the United States be convinced to leave that path of war and join a negotiated position?
The United States can’t be convinced. The conflict is resulting from interests and geopolitics. It has been in the coming for years already. And it’s the beginning of the next world war. Its goal is a new partition of the world. The United States follows that logic.
“Struggle for the world’s partition has started”
On the other side, with its Belt and Road, China is present everywhere. Russia has also expanded. They have for instance currently military exercises with Nicaragua, they have very strong relations with Venezuela. And if Lula wins elections in Brazil (the interview was made prior to these, UWI), then both Russia and China will have increased relations there too.
The struggle for the world’s partition has already started. And we observe the same building of blocks as it had happened before the first and second World War.
Truth is, Russia is not confronting Ukraine; it is confronting the European Union and the United States.

Where do you locate Mexico in this conflict?
Mexico wants to remain neutral. The constitution forces us to have peaceful relations with all countries of the world, without limiting us with the government they choose. Hence, we have friendship groups with both, the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. We have parliamentary friendship groups with Belorussia, with Iran, with all members of the so-called Axis of Evil, as Bush had called them.
Mexico-US relations: those of “distant friends” depending on “balance of power”
How do you see the future of relations between Mexico and the US?
This has always been a relation depending on the balance of power. The balance of power determined the concessions we had to give.
What happened for instance in 1938? The Second World War started, and Mexico was able to nationalize its oil industry, taking advantage of the war’s conjuncture. The US back then did not want to struggle against Mexico, because this would have pushed us into the arms of Germany, Japan and Italy. The United States did not want to have an enemy right at their side, with a shared border of 3000 kilometers.
We have today a relation of subordination to the North American economy, where 80 percent of our trade exchange goes to, within the free trade agreement. But Mexico has also other free trade agreement with more than 40 countries.
Do you then compare today’s situation with that of 1938, offering again new opportunities for Mexico?
The longer the conflict lasts, the more the United States will head to an economy of war. And they will be in need of countries that produce their food, one of which is Mexico. And I am referring here to processed, industrial food and alimentation.
For Mexico, new and important opportunities may arise in the international market.
Democrats’ defeat might start “return of Trump”
Last question: in November, there will be mid-term election in the United States. What is your perspective?
If the Democrats loos these elections, things will get more complicated. And such a defeat might start the return of Trump.
Was Trump less interventionist in regards to Mexico than Biden?
The relation between Mexico and the United States has always been that of distanced friends. There have always been intentions of subordination, of oppression, and we have had to defend ourselves.
They have taken Texas from us, they have taken more than half of our national territory. During the war of French intervention 1861-67, France proposed the United States to divide up Mexico among themselves. What saved us was the US Civil War of 1863. In that context, the Yankees, the northern states did not permit the accession of Mexican states, because these would have joined the Confederates, the south.
That was the reason why the Yankee-dominated US Congress did not approve the McLane-Ocampo Treaty, which would have ceded important parts of Mexico to the United States.
In conclusion, all has to do with geopolitics.
“Already majority” in several states of the US
And the Mexican citizens residing in the United States?
Well, this is another form to regain territory. It is said that there are 40 million Mexicans or people of Mexican origin in the United States. And there are several states where we have the majority. According to statistics, whites will disappear in 2050 – worldwide. And the mestizo, the mixed will be the destiny of humanity.
Hence, again the return to the balance of power: the so-called minorities in the United States are becoming majorities: Latinos, Afro-Americans, Orientals, Moslems, East Asians…If we unite, we are everyday more and more. We have already governors in the United States with Mexican names. The governor of New Mexico has my surname (laughs). Almost all governing people of Los Angeles are Mexicans. After Mexico City, the city where most Mexicans live is Los Angeles. The world’s biggest tortilla factory is in Los Angeles.
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