Le Pen’s win will change the balance of the world

Vatan Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek held a press conference on April 18th 2022 at the Party’s Headquarters in Ankara. Perinçek called the Turks, Algerians, Arabs, all Muslims, Africans and French friends to “vote for Marine Le Pen”. Perinçek stated the following:

A blow to US imperialism from inside the Atlantic system

The Presidential election to be held in France on Sunday, 24th April 2022, is of importance that will determine the future of the world.

This time, the blow to USA imperialism comes from inside of the Atlantic system and from France, one of the most important countries of the system.

The people of France will make a choice that will pave the way for humanity.

Washington landlords, especially Biden, and Brussels dignitaries and world moneylenders are in fear and panic.

Macron is the man of US imperialism and the enemy of Turkey

Macron is the man of US imperialism.

Macron is under the command of the French big monopolies.

Macron is the man of NATO; he is the chief of the European Union.

Macron is the enemy of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean and everywhere.

Macron is the enemy of Islam and Muslims.


Le Pen: the leader who horrified US imperialism

Marine Le Pen is the leader who horrified the USA. Racist and similar accusations against Le Pen are directly Washington based. By such black propaganda methods, USA imperialism is trying to discredit every state leader who rise against it.

In France, 60 percent of workers vote for Marine Le Pen.

Marine Le Pen is Putin of France. A Putin figure in the West of Europe is a nuisance to the United States of America. If we look at the program that she will proceed when she wins the election, the issue can be understood very well:

  1. France will leave the military wing of NATO.
  2. France will recognize the State of Palestine.
  3. France will normalize the relations with Syria and cooperate with the Bashar Assad governance.
  4. France will recognize that Crimea is Russian territory.

Eurasia against the Atlantic system

As in the Hungarian and Serbian elections, Eurasia and the Atlantic system are against each other in France.

When Le Pen wins, NATO and the European Union will enter the period of disintegration.

When Le Pen wins, the USA threat to Turkey will weaken.

Le Pen’s win will change the balance of the world.

Therefore, Asian, African and Latin American countries are also parties to the French election.

Our choice

Turkey is also a party in this election.

Since every front formed against USA imperialism is also Turkey’s front.

Therefore, this election is not only the choice of the people of France, but also our choice.

We, as the people of Turkey, are in this election.

There is also the Vatan Party in this election.

A vote for Le Pen is a vote against US domination

We call on Turks, Algerians, Arabs, all Muslims, Africans and our French friends to vote for Marine Le Pen.

Vote for Macron is a vote to obedience to USA imperialism.

Vote for Marine Le Pen is the vote revolting USA tyranny.


Asian, African and Latin American organizations are mobilizing

Turkish, Asian, African and Latin American organizations in France are mobilizing for the defeat of USA imperialism.

We trust that the people of France will punish USA imperialism at the ballot box at the Sunday night on 24th April 2022.

The people of France, who will raise the values of the French Revolution, will make a historical contribution to the rising New Civilization by striking a great blow to the USA hegemonism.