Facing the “transhuman”: Why conservatism still matters

Life on earth – with all its organic forms and features – is under attack.

Along with the raging and destructive capitalist system, a new threat has emerged as an inquisitorial ideology: “transhumanism”.

In fact, transhumanism is merely a technologic metamorphosis, thus an adjusted application of the methods of capitalism on human nature.

Some big-tech companies now have more resources than nation-states. Armed with tremendous budgets, these companies are systematically promoting a techno-scientific intervention vis-à-vis the human body.

In the capitalist system, money equals semi-deific powers; we are progressively heading towards the construction of a “deification” process related to a degenerative global and financial elite.

This elite is constantly preaching “no borders” propaganda worldwide, infesting nations’ cultural codes through “woke” nonsense and painting a futuristic digital “utopia” where every individual’s every move will be recorded.

At this speed rate, Big Tech’s agenda consisting of abolishing the boundary between man and machine – and perhaps even life and death – could be realized sooner than expected.

Nations and peoples all around the word face the same risk today: Dehumanization.

Mankind is destined to pursue and understand the meaning of life. The most important meaning of life is its conservation. Beyond countless difficulties and challenges that life poses, man has always struggled to build a life that’s worth living.

Moreover, man is a mortal being. People understand they are doomed to a set of “conditions”: biological, social, and political.

Entire civilizations and cultures were erected based on these “conditioned existence” principles. As a result, we have witnessed the development of great institutions such as family, state, religion, nation, education etc. Continuity was not sought in the lifetime of the individual, but in permanent collective material and intellectual accomplishments.

Transhumanism would radically disturb this balance since it aims at reducing the meaning of life to the individual’s “timeless egoistic happiness” in a cruelly atomized fashion.

Individuals would be fully extracted from the natural cosmic functioning of life and isolated in an endless, pseudo-perfect bio-technical nightmare paving the way for innumerable existential dangers (politics of eugenics, social and cultural segregation, creation of cyborgs or “genetically modified humans” etc.).

While supporters of transhumanism deceitfully pump the illusion of a potential “superhuman who kills death”, they in fact imitate and amplify what savage capitalism is doing to life in general: taking it away.

Transhumanism as the supreme stage of capitalism

Capitalism has done irreparable damage to Nature.

Forests have been devastated, burned down, killing the organisms living inside. Our air has been so polluted that we’re damaging ourselves with every breath. Clean water resources are lacking due to overproduction to satisfy the “needs” of the gluttonous Westerner. Fertile agricultural lands have been intentionally and willingly poisoned.

All of this has set families apart, brought nations at war, and corrupted religion. Indeed, the dictatorship of unearned money and maximal profit has fleshed out the Hobbesian homo homini lupus dictum.

Capitalism’s supreme stage has become transhumanism, wholly focused on doing irreparable damages directly to man itself.

Conserving our biological, ecological, and cultural (national, traditional, religious etc.) diversity in the natural order seems to be our last way out from the Big-Tech’s malefic domination on mankind.

The sanctity of life as we and all past generations know it is at stake, and this reality is becoming impossible to ignore.

What conservatism can and should achieve in the 21st century

It is no coincidence that conservatism, as a political movement, is rising once again from its ashes. It resembles a “survival reflex” – one that you can’t acquire from an artificial intelligence – a “self-conservation” impulse.

This is mainly why 21st century conservatism does not (but also cannot) stand for the “old normal”, in which it had acted side by side with neo-liberal/capitalist policies.

Nations and peoples need a reformed conservatism, adapted to the sacred tasks of the day. A conservatism that settles accounts with its past alignments with the rotting World Order.

Today, we the people yearn for a conservatism of resistance before the global elites’ dominium mundi ambitions.

We crave a theory and practice that will save nations’ and peoples’ natural environments, resources, landscapes, and traditions, acting exclusively on the national level first.

We need a conservatism that reinforces national sovereignty and fosters national self-sufficiency, especially concerning renewable energy supplies, and agricultural and animal goods.

We need a conservatism that protects homes (“oikoi”), families, workers, and organic traditional institutions that contribute to raising national awareness.

Finally, we need a conservatism that openly defies transhumanism, a neo-totalitarian project where the human body is set to become a simple commodity, where biology merges into the free market. We need to fight to keep what’s human – or at least what is left of our humanity.