World is changing – the US is losing ground, China is leading

2021 is remembered as a very important year in terms of changing geopolitical processes in the world. The processes that have taken place in the region and the world over the past 365 days and the new situation created by the Covid19 pandemic have changed the shape of relations between countries and allies.

The existing blocs and alliances in the world have lost their strength, and countries now prefer to protect their national interests.

Today, the most powerful international organizations and blocs, such as the UN, NATO and the European Union, have become completely ineffective. The atmosphere of distrust among the members of these organizations has deteriorated.

The results of the 44-day war in the South Caucasus have made many countries reconsider – is it worth relying on the United States and Europe?! The fact that NATO member Turkey is fighting alone on the ground and that other NATO member countries are imposing sanctions on Turkey has undermined international confidence in the military bloc.

Turkey should not be left alone on the field

Today, the players in the world are changing – the world no longer wants to accept the leadership of the United States. Today, Europe is no longer the most reliable region in the world. Today, Turkey is becoming one of the world’s new power centers. Today, the Turkish military industry is becoming a key force in resolving conflicts around the world.

The events in Afghanistan have once again shown that the US power in the world has been shaken. In the new order, the Turkish factor has a very serious influence.

However, Turkey cannot be left alone on the field. Turkey’s power and capabilities are also limited. Turkey must find a reliable ally and partners. However, this process will not be easy for NATO member Turkey.

Leaving the West will not be an easy task for official Ankara. Threats, sanctions and attacks against Turkey will intensify. At this point, it will be inevitable for Turkey to defend itself and act with its new allies.

Turkish-Russian cooperation is the beginning of a great process

But who can be Turkey’s new allies? The processes that have taken place in recent years have already delivered an answer to this question. Turkey and Russia gained experience by working together in Iraq, Syria and South Caucasus.

Turkey’s cooperation with Russia is more useful and promising than NATO membership.

The alliance between Turkey and Russia must be further expanded. The Iranian factor must be taken into account in the world. Although there are some misunderstandings between Turkey and Iran from time to time, I think that these two countries have many common interests.

The 6-country platform initiative proposed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in fact a timely demand. The cooperation of Turkey-Russia-Iran-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Armenia in the region promises great prospects. The economic support of China, a world power, will further expand this six-platform platform.

The economic model promised by China is successful for the future of the whole world. Years of experience have shown that the “democracy” promised by the United States has not done any good for any country. Today, along with economic stability, countries want peace and prosperity. The only way to do that is to unite in Eurasia and to unite against the Euro-Atlantic.