UWI’s international survey report: West Asian Views on the Biden Administration

United World International presents the results of its international survey in West Asia on the Biden Administration. The report can be downloaded here:

At the beginning of the 21st year of the 21st century, the undeniable reality is the creation of a multipolar world in the process. The balance of the world is changing and the United States loses its leadership in the economy and in the military sphere.

Presidential elections, the assault on the Congress and successive events also justifies this process. But on the other hand, it is already clear that the Biden administration will not succumb to this process peacefully.

The attitude of the Biden administration towards West Asian countries will determine the course of this process. To reveal this, we, as UWI, prepared a international survey on bilateral relations with the US and expectations on the Biden Administration.

We asked politicians, strategists, experts from Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Russia and Turkey:

1. How do you summarize the relations between your country and the US during the Trump Administration?

2. Which are the current, most important areas of conflict and cooperation between your country and the US?

3. How do you expect the cooperation and conflict to develop during the Biden Administration? What is your country’s main expectation from the US?

We hope that the dossier we prepared will give important clues about the future of our world.

The readers can download the dossier here:

United World International