S-400, Sudan, Hong Kong protests, Somali attack


On July 14, the seventh aircraft carrying Russian S-400 air defense system components arrived in Turkey at the Myrted airbase.

Turkey has now become the first NATO country to purchase the S-400. 

The purchase caused months of disagreements with the United States, who argued that the F-35 fighter jets Turkey had purchased were incompatible with the non-NATO defense systems. The United States has allegedly prepared a sanctions package against Turkey over the acquisition of the S-400s, Bloomberg reported.


A coup d’état attempt took place in Sudan, the transitional Military Council of the country reported on July 12 on state television. According to the information they provided, the rebellion was suppressed, and its organizers taken into custody.

“The commander and 16 officers who organized the coup were arrested,” the ruling council said in a statement by General Jamal Omar.

Active and retired military figures, including some from the country’s special services, were allegedly involved in the attempted putsch. According to the Military Council, the attempted coup was aimed at damaging the final peace agreement between authorities and the civil opposition.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, protesters again clashed with police over the weekend. On Sunday, the police detained 37 people, while 11 law enforcement officers were injured.

After 5 pm, some demonstrators, under the pretext of fighting the extradition law, tried to push the police cordon outside a district sports complex. Some protesters began building barricades. Pepper spray cartridges were used during the clashes.

Somali attack

An explosion occurred in a hotel in Kismayo, which was followed by an armed attack claimed by the radical group Al-Shabaab.

The death toll is currently at 26, with several foreigners among the dead. Among those killed in the attack are immigrants from the United States, Kenya, Tanzania and one Brit. A candidate in the upcoming regional elections was also killed during the attack.