(read Part 1) This is one of the secrets behind the, up to now, remarkable success of the Yellow Vests. This is also, mutatis mutandis, what SYRIZA did in Greece – while being almost oblivious of it – at a symbolic level (only!) when approached the ANEL [3] party, thus uniting the force of the Social (Popular) identity and of the National ...

“Smile a bit, you are not in Athens”, Stéphane tells me while preparing to take a photo of me in the hall, where 300 Yellow Vests’ representatives from all over France, divided in “sub-groups”, are examining the various questions their movement has to address. They are the delegates (or “observers” in some cases) send here from one hundred Citizens’ Assemblies, created by ...

The magazine Le Point is one of the main media outlets of the French conservative “center-right”.  One of its December issues carries the cover title “France Faces its History. 1648, 1789, 1830, 1848, 1871 … four centuries of revolutions.” The cover also features a painting by Pierre-Jérôme Lordon, showing people clashing with the army at Rue de Babylone, in Paris, ...

“Your heart is too small to hold this many people” lyrics to a song of the Yellow Vests addressed to Macron   “I am not a seed of the Luck the moulder of the new life I am a child of the Need and a mature child of the Wrath… …Listen, how the winds take of thousand years the voice! ...

Turkey plans 2nd 100-day action plan and makes declarations regarding Syria Turkey has announced that they will soon launch operations in Syria. Ankara stated that the operations will be lead in regions east of the Euphrates. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the necessity of action in order to save the territories “from separatist terrorist organizations”. The president added that the ...

“No Christmas this year” is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France, once a bastion of French socialism. He must be a sadist this guy. He wants to kill Mr Macron’s – and Baron Rothschild’s, his superior’s  – last hope that, if no man can be found to help them get rid ...

          After years of growing anger against a neoliberal administration of austerity, France has descended into chaos as the workers say in their yellow vests: «we’ve had enough.» Emmanuel Macron and his administration are on their last legs, with the French President hiding in obscurity – scared to even speak to the public. His approval rating ...

On the verge of a revolutionary situation France has not witnessed in 50 years, Emmanuel Macron tried to restore peace by making minor concessions, such as raising the minimum wage (the SMIC),  improving taxation on pensions and various other minor measures. The SMIC increase will not be covered by corporations, but by diminishing income from Insurance Funds, thus undermining the ...

1)  The ‘yellow vests’ demonstration on the 8th of December drew more than 30,000 participants According to the latest polls by Harris Interactive Macron has the support of only 26% of respondents (Hollande in the same period of the presidency had 29%, Sarkozy 48%). 72% of respondents sympathize the ‘yellow vests’ movement. The demonstrations drew 8,000 people in Paris alone. 2) The ...

Yellow Vests: the Revolution continues Protests in France continued this week. Other countries, including Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands have also joined the revolution. At the same time the demand for yellow vests, the symbol of protests, has begun to grow in other countries. According to a Harris Interactive poll, more than 72% of France supports the movement which started ...