By Orçun Göktürk * In August 2021, in the days when the American troops withdrew from Afghanistan desperately and the 20-year occupation ended with the victory of the Afghan people, Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s largest arms importing countries, was signing a military cooperation agreement with the Russian Federation in Moscow. The moment when Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Defense Minister ...

By Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yuva * Recall the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative (BMENA): In the early 1990s, Soviet Russia and the states subordinate to it collapsed. The US strongly penetrated the new states that broke away from the Soviet Union. Washington used the Fethullah Gulen Gladio, NGOs, Saudi funds and educational institutions in Türkiye very effectively to ...

The Ukraine crisis activated the political fault lines all over the world. Even though it is far from the conflict area, the Middle East is also affected by the “low-intensity war” between Russia and the USA taking place in Ukraine. The most visible proof of this situation are day-to-day more tense relations between Russia and Israel. This tension between Russia ...

United World International expert Fabrizio Verde has given an interview to the Iranian newspaper Tehran Times, discussing regional issues and the position of imperialism. The original interview can be read here. UWI documents below the interview as published by Tehran Times. The director of the online newspaper l’AntiDiplomatico says that regional models of dialogue are more effective. “I say that ...

United World Internation expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan searched the answer of the question above in an article he has written for the Iranian Council for Defending the Truth. Below we document Güzaltan’s article as published. As new alliances are being born all over the world as a result of the already-existing decline of the United States, the centuries-old disputes between ...

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan has once again fueled discussion on the decline of the American Empire and the rise of a multipolar world. These discussions include the position of the rising Asian civilization and the economic role of Eurasia and specifically China. United World Expert Fabrizio Verde gave an interview the multipolar world, the economic position of China and ...

The youth of 6 countries in West Asia that resist US imperialism and Israeli Zionism came together for “Independent Palestine” at the conference organized by World Anti-Imperialist Youth Union (WAYU). The “International Youth Conference on Independent Palestine” composed of 11 youth organizations from Palestine, Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen met online on 25 July 2021. The youth organizations stated “Against the Imperialist-Zionist Threat, For the Independent State of Palestine, We ...

US President Biden’s decision to call the events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire a “genocide” has caused great upheaval in Turkish public opinion and opened the next chapter in Turkish-US crises. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan spoke to Iranian Tehran Times on the recent crisis, US’ reasons for the genocide statement and Turkey’s strategic path out of ...

Experts close to the Syrian Government called to Turkey to cooperation after ten years conflict between the two countries. Dr. Besssam Abu Abdullah, Head of the Ba’ath Party’s Central Party School and Dr. Ziad Ayoub Arbache, professor in the Faculty of Economics, Damascus University wrote an article on potential cooperation between Turkey and Syria. Authors drew attention to the fact ...

How were the US presidential elections results evaluated in Tehran? How will Washington-Tehran relations develop during the Biden administration? What will the six-country platform bring for the region? The Iranian strategist Mohammad Reza Tekavi Fard answered our questions. Fard has said that regional co-operation has achieved tangible success on issues such as the Barzani’s independence referendum and in Astana, adding: ...