

Dashnaks in movies of Soviet-Armenia

Dashnaks in movies of Soviet-Armenia

What they tell about imperialist intervention and ethnic conflict in the South Caucasus.
An assessment of 100 Years of the USSR

An assessment of 100 Years of the USSR

The Soviet experience and the path ahead.
Two ways ahead for Russia and the EU – part 1 / 2

Two ways ahead for Russia and the EU – part 1 / 2

Konstantakopoulos talks with former Putin adviser Sergey Yurievich Glaziev
The Ukraine: The USA is responsible of the escalation, and must stop it before provoking a world war

The Ukraine: The USA is responsible of the escalation, and must stop it before provoking a world war

The dissolution of the USSR by Yeltsin paved the way for US interventions and dangers of nuclear war.
Birthday Messages to Stalin from the Turkish State

Birthday Messages to Stalin from the Turkish State

Stalin’s 60th birthday, officially December 21 1939, was celebrated with great joy in the USSR. Many celebration messages came from all over the world