Russia as a country has been able to come to the forefront of the international arena in recent times, especially since Vladimir Putin came to power, and then in 2000 as the country’s president. But there is one point to consider both in the political and international spheres about Russia, which is that it can be safely said that, after ...

China’s relationship to its ethnic minority Uyghur population has been the central issue driving a wedge between China and the Muslim world in recent years. However, the situation is already beginning to change before our eyes – Pakistan, Turkey and many nations throughout the Middle East have suddenly stopped calling the Uyghur education centers in Xinjiang “concentration camps,” while Turkish ...

For the first time in 55 years, the United States threatened Turkey via an official letter after their purchase of Russian S-400 systems. Normally, the United States indirectly criticizes Turkey across a variety of media. That is, until last week when Washington changed tactics and took a step further, sending a letter to the Minister of Defense of Turkey, Hulusi ...

On January 13, the FBI, without explanation, detained journalist and television presenter Marzieh Hashemi. The arrest of the 59-year-old Iranian mother and US citizen and the events that followed clearly demonstrate the duplicity of the United States and other Western countries. Despite being the first to invoke accusations of human rights abuses when their citizens are placed under arrest abroad, ...

The city of Manbij is currently the focal point of the Turkish government’s policy towards Syria. The topicality of the issue increased after Donald Trump had announced the pullout of US troops from the war-torn Arab country. Acquiring special significance in this light are the Turkish-American agreements that the two countries attained on the eve of Erdogan’s visit to Moscow ...

2018 was a difficult and eventful year for Turkey. In terms of the internal political life of the country, the early parliamentary-presidential election held on June 24, was one of the most striking events. The election not only consolidated the results of completed reforms, it also gave the initiators of those reforms greater confidence moving forward. From the point of ...

“If the allies do not change their attitude, the Western alliance could fall apart… A new world will be established on new terms, and Turkey will find itself a place in that world.”     The Second President of the Republic of Turkey,İsmet İnönü, 1964 The relationship between Turkey and the US is in the darkest hour of its history. Turkey, a ...

Over the past few decades, the ideas of Turkish preacher, writer and political figure Muhammed  Fethullah Gülen have grown in popularity in Turkey, its neighboring countries, in the EU, the United States, and even the former USSR. Fethullah Gülen, for a long time, was an independent preacher, but later he began to attract many like-minded people. Some public figures in ...

The disappearance of Saudi journalist Khashoggi  Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a famous critic of the Saudi authorities and Washington Post author (who currently resides in the US) disappeared after entering a consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd. Saudi Arabia denies any charges that they are responsible for his disappearance, and claims that the journalist left the building through a rear entrance ...