The American society has become divided in a way reminiscent of the Civil War of 1860. With the Capitol Raid and the FBI raid on Trump’s house, swords have been drawn between nationalists and globalists. The November 8 Senate elections are of historic importance not only for the US but also for the world. This has finally happened! The FBI ...

Allen Ginsberg, one of the most important figures from the “Beat Generation”, who was also known for his radical opposition towards the values of American society in the 1950-60s, writes “America I’m putting my queer shoulder to the wheel” in the last verses of his poem “America”. He was also aghast for his country’s domestic and foreign policies and even ...

In the United States, the leak of a draft Supreme Court decision to revoke the right to abortion, known as “Roe v. Wade” 1973 decision, has brought the credibility of the country’s highest judicial body into question. It is known that of the 9 justices of the Supreme Court, 6 were appointed by a Republican president, and a Democratic president ...

Interview by Şafak Erdem “According to the current political picture, the Republican Party and Donald Trump will win the election on November 8, 2022 in a big way. That’s why the American establishment has been trying to discredit Trump ever since he stepped out of the White House in 2020.” The U.S. Senate approved nearly $40 billion in new aid ...

Abstract of a report by UWI expert Dimitris Konstantakopoulos to an international conference on NAM, organized by the Paris I Sorbonne and Havres Universities, on 20-22.2.2021 War, expansion and imperialism have been some of the main paths used by the western capitalist system, in order to overcome its crises and impasses, as proved by colonialism and WWI and II. For ...

It is impossible to ignore today’s tragic anniversary: ​​exactly 18 years ago, the events took place that would forever after be associated with the date 9/11. On this day in 2001, horrific terrorist attacks of monstrous proportion shook the world. At the time, the attack was attributed to a small group of hijackers led by the international terrorist Mohammed Atta ...