On March 7, during a press conference held within the framework of the first session of the XIV National People’s Congress in Beijing, the recently appointed Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang stated: “If the United States does not step on the brakes and instead, keeps accelerating down the wrong path, there will be no barrier that can prevent derailment, and ...

Russian pranksters Vladimir Stolyarov (Vovan) and Alexei Kuznetsov (Lexus) held a conversation with the head of he European Central Bank Christine Lagarde on behalf of the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. The recording of the prank was published on Wednesday, March 15. During the conversation, Lagarde told the pranksters who called on behalf of Zelensky about the crisis in Europe and ...

The world’s eyes are on this trip: China’s President Xi Jinping is going to travel to Russia this week to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ahead of this bilateral meeting of global importance, both leaders have published articles in the counterpart’s media. Xi’s article titled “Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development” was ...

Representatives and Senators in the United States’ Congress want to turn the Black Sea into a prolonged conflict zone. On March 16, a bill called the “Black Sea Security Act of 2023” was introduced to the US Senate. Introduced by the Republican Mitt Romney and the Democrat Jeanne Shaheen, the bill received bipartisan support by cosponsors from both parties. U.S. ...

Belarus is probably the country most openly siding with Russia in the war in Ukraine. As such, Belarus is the subject of much debate and assessments. In recent years, Belarus and the President Alexander Lukasenko have gone through the accusations of authoritarianism, protests which the government claimed to be a ‘Color Revolution’ organized by the West, sanctions and discussions on ...

Western Eurasia is witnessing intensive diplomacy traffic. US Chairman of Chief of Staff, Mike Milley visited the – illegally deployed – US troops on Syrian soil, and the US Secretary of Defense toured West Asia. China has mediated the mutual reopening of the Iranian and Saudi Arabian embassies, while Israel faces domestic turmoil. Again Beijing has taken on the scene ...

By Can Çakır Last week, demonstrations against NATO were organized in various countries in Europe. The demonstrations held NATO responsible for the war in Ukraine and criticized the anti-Russian campaign. Different political currents denounced their governments for tailing the US-led war and putting the economic burden of the war on the people. One of these demonstrations, where the German Communist ...

We spoke about the protests in Georgia against the government with the Director of the Center for Islamic Studies of the Caucasus Shota Apkhaidze. Currently in Tbilisi, the Georgian political scientist Apkhaidze explained the reasons and future of the protests to United World International. How do you interpret the recent incidents in Georgia? The Georgian president declared that she supports ...

States and state systems have a life cycle just like human beings, say experts like Ibn Khaldun. In fact, one can determine that phenomenon on one’s own even without the likes of Ibn Khaldun. Even a brief glance at all the states throughout recorded history can confirm this “cycle of life” very clearly. This brief introduction refers to the current ...

Language issue On Monday 5 March protests began in the Republic of Moldova against changing the constitutional name of the state language from Moldovan to Romanian. Last week, the parliament of the Republic of Moldova supported a bill to change the name of the language by a simple majority in its first reading. However, to amend the constitution, at least ...