By Dr. Seyed Asadolah Athary Maryan Professor for political science and international relations at the Tehran and Gazvin Universities Translated by Seyid Ali Gaemmagami and Yunus Soner Preface The relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and American can be evaluated in the perspective of international political science. In this essay, we will evaluate these relations first during the Trump ...

Experts commented to United World International on the recent Syrian elections and the victory of current Syrian President Bashar Assad, who achieved 95.1 percent of the votes. They argued that a new era would begin in Syria. They expect steps of normalization, stating that Syria will focus on reconstruction, meanwhile the country will continue to fight against terrorism. On the ...

The population of the Syrian Arab Republic has gone to presidential elections on May 26th. Ballot boxes were established in all government-controlled areas of Syria and in diplomatic representations of Syria abroad in order to enable expatriates to cast their votes. The Syrian constitution foresees several legal conditions for approval as a candidate. Among these are being a resident in ...

By Cansu Yiğit The Syrian army has rescued a major part of the country thanks to the great resistance of the Syrian people and their government. Preparing to elect its President on 26th of May, Syria has been dealt the most powerful cards in the international arena since 2011. However, both the economic crisis aggravated by the sanctions and the ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

by Mehmet Kıvanç The election will take place as the Syrian civil war enters the eleventh year of conflict on May 26th. Both in Syria and International power balances are totally different from the 2014 elections. Sarkis Kassarian who has been a war reporter in Damascus and in many other conflict areas sees the possibility of the Arab world recognizing ...

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International. Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity ...

The crisis that the Egyptian-Turkish relations witnessed in recent years was not an exceptional event in the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, which began in 1925 after the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Any examination of the course of relations between the two countries clearly reveals that these relations ranged from ebb and flow, prospering only temporarily. ...

Turkey and Israel are two influential countries in West Asia. Differences in the Palestine and Kurdish Questions, relations to Israel and conflicting positions in the Eastern Mediterranean have caused several major high-level crises between the two countries and led to restraint as well as downgrading in diplomatic relations. Notwithstanding this past, a revitalization and normalization of Turkish-Israeli relations is widely ...

Retired Brigadier General Fahri Erenel drew attention to the fact that a potential agreementnel drew attention to the fact that a potential agreement to be reached between Syria and Turkey between Syria and Turkey has the potential to strike a huge blow to terrorism. The PKK / YPG has been pushed back into Ayn Issa following Turkish operations in the ...