In 2011, a civil war in Syria began which would continue for the next 7 years. The country became a geopolitical conflict zone for the confrontation of various states around the world. The number of countries involved in the actual conflict is difficult to account for. It all started from conflicts between forces supportive of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad ...

Europe Serbia: a step towards the recognition of Kosovo On August 9, Serbian President Alexander Vučić said he was in favor of delimitation with the Albanians in Kosovo, despite the fact that this decision will likely be unpopular in the country. The decision is part of an attempt at legitimizing the occupation of native Serbian territories in Kosovo in exchange ...

Europe NATO summit: Realist Trump against European liberals July 11-12 in Brussels the NATO summit took place. The behavior of the President of the United States Donald Trump attracted the attention of most of the world media. He firstly criticized German Chancellor Angela Merkel for buying gas from Russia and refusing to raise military spending to a level agreed to ...

Trump and Putin met on the 16th of July in Helsinki. The meeting was held amidst a complex political background: just several days after the NATO summit (where Trump criticized Germany for collaboration with Russia) and his visit to UK, where he tried to establish the new anglo-saxon economical axis, including criticizing Theresa May’s lack of commitment to fulfilling the ...