West changes strategy When war broke out in Syria in 2011, Western countries backed rebels, including outright terrorists and extremists. However, as the years have shown, Bashar al-Assad’s regime has proven to be very resilient. Moreover, the Western attack on him has led to the strengthening of Turkey, Iran and Russia in the region. A Russian military base in the ...

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi September 29. Ahead of the summit, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to the Azerbaijani news website vzglyad.az. Perinçek evaluated the summits agenda and the two countries’ objectives in Syria and beyond. Below, we document the interview as published by the news website. Vzglyad.az spoke ...

Experts commented to United World International on the recent Syrian elections and the victory of current Syrian President Bashar Assad, who achieved 95.1 percent of the votes. They argued that a new era would begin in Syria. They expect steps of normalization, stating that Syria will focus on reconstruction, meanwhile the country will continue to fight against terrorism. On the ...