By Sabina Alizade In an interview with TGRT Haber, Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu confirmed plans to start the construction of this railway line by the end of this year, stating that the project will be completed within five years. A tender for the construction of the 224-kilometre railway was announced earlier this year, and negotiations regarding ...

Georgia and Armenia, which opened their doors to the West, received mass protests, clashes and chaos, United World International author Mehmet Perinçek has stated. “What is happening today in two South Caucasian countries, Georgia and Armenia, which have opened their doors to the West? Mass protests, clashes, chaos,” Perinçek told Russian news agency RIA Novosti. At the same time, the ...

An outstanding statesman and national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev was born 101 years ago on May 10. Aliyev left a significant trace in the history of not only Azerbaijan but also many other countries. His contribution to political and cultural life of Russia is also significant. His human qualities are known not only in the Turkic world, ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the withdrawal of the Russian peacekeeping contingent from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and the subsequent return to Azerbaijan of four villages, which remained under Armenian occupation for thirty years. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers ...

By Tahran Oruçoğlu France-Azerbaijan relations are becoming more tense every day. In particular, France’s active arming of Armenia increases the tension in these relations. France is currently arming Armenia and preparing the country for a new war. Located thousands of kilometers away from the South Caucasus, Paris’ plans require a special analysis. France’s failures in Africa led Paris to new ...

By Fadil Pashayev “The US tries to achieve its goals by putting pressure on the country it wants by means of financial-economic, political, ideological, informational-psychological, diplomatic and other means. Objective analyses show that the West has been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries for decades in order to change the foreign and domestic policies of independent states and ...

By Gürkan Demir reporting from Tehran, Iran The summit of the “Regional Cooperation Platform for the Establishment of Permanent Peace and Stability in the South Caucasus” took place in Tehran on 23 October. Commitment to develop partnerships, peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries. I followed the summit on site. Here are some important ...

“The US is using the Armenian government to create a second Ukraine and destabilize the region. This is why they have fueled the conflict in the region.” Uwidata author Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated the recent developments in the South Caucasus on Russia Today’s French broadcast. Political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan, welcome to our broadcast. Senior American officials, Samantha Power, the ...

The United States is continuing its attempts to get a foot into the South Caucasus using Armenia and the ethnic Armenians, while pressuring Azerbaijan. On September 25, USAID Administrator Samantha Power has conveyed U.S. President Joe Biden’s letter to Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan. “I assure you the United States will continue to stand beside Armenia as you work ...

The former military attaché of Türkiye in Azerbaijan, General Yücel Karauz evaluated the latest developments in the South Caucasus to Azerbaijan’s state news agency Azertac. We translated the interview published in Russian into English for United World International readers. Armenia now does not represent a normal state entity in the usual sense of the word. Nikol Pashinyan does not fully ...