By Hend Selim Dr. Ahmad Mezab, the Expert in military and security issues and crisis management, Consultant at Africa Geopolitics Center for Studies and former President of the Algerian-African Peace Committee has talked about the colonial powers’ interests in Africa, anti-France and ani-America waves in Africa, the future of ECOWAS and recent coups in West African countries. How do you ...

Serigne Ndiaye, who worked as a political consultant at the African Union, evaluated the elections in Senegal and their possible consequences for UWI. The new President of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, has been sworn in and taken office. What are the new president’s political leanings in terms of foreign policy? Senegal’s geographical position makes for a complex situation. Located at ...

Bassirou Diomaye Faye won the presidential elections held in Senegal on March 24 in the first round. Faye received 54.2% of the vote, while the candidate of the governing coalition, Amadou Ba, received 35.7%. The opposition candidate, Ousmane Sonko, was jailed before the elections and lost his right to run. It was announced that his right-hand man Diomaye Faye would ...

On March 24, Senegal held presidential elections. Out of 19 candidates, the victory was won by a young “left-wing Pan-Africanist” from the largest opposition party, Bassiro Diomaye Faye, who was released from prison only ten days earlier. Previously, in competition with experienced politicians such as 62-year-old Amadou Ba from the ruling party, the young left-wing populist could only count on ...

By Caner Karavit Caner Karavit is professor of art in Istanbul’s Mimar Sinan University, teaching in the fundamental art education department. Karavit has published several articles in Turkish and international media, while also working as an artist and realizing several national and international exhibitions. Between 2013 and 2015, Karavit has stayed in China to pursue theoretical and practical strudies on ...