Last week kicked off with bad news from Syrian Idlib. On February 3, one of our convoys was carrying supplies to the Turkish Armed Forces’ observation posts in Idlib when it came under attack, resulting in eight people being martyred. A second attack occurred on February 10, this time leaving five martyrs. Many of those who have been attentive to ...

Tensions between Turkey, Russia and Syria have risen dramatically after the killing of several Russian officers in Syria and the killing of 7 Turkish soldiers and a civilian in Idlib. We talked to experts about the crisis and possible outcomes for the situation in Idlib. Many experts stressed that the crisis between Russia and Turkey is most beneficial for the ...

Turkey and Syria have come over against each other… The relations between Ankara and Moscow are tense. The US-Israel front, which has been hollowing out Turkey since 1952, is watching the events by rubbing its hands together. Despite the efforts, a new and a clean page in the area is not being able to open. The results of the AKP’s ...

A military delegation from Russia will visit Turkey on Saturday to discuss the situation in Syrian Idlib. Relations between Turkey and Russia escalated amid the Syrian Arab Army offensive which left six Turkish troops dead in the Syrian province. The Turkish side responded with a massive strike against the positions of Syrian troops. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made these ...

Considering Turkey’s conditions, for the first time in many years, we were having a calm week until the bad news came from Syria’s Idlib Province, where 6 Turkish soldiers were martyred. Turkey and Syria have clashed many times from the beginning of Syrian conflicts which ongoing for almost 10 years. After the resignation of Ahmet Davutoglu from Prime Minister position ...

Mehmet Yuva, a professor at Damascus University, responded to our questions about the crisis in Libya. After a call for a ceasefire on January 9th which was mediated by Turkey and Russia, and the temporary ceasefire on January 13 following the Moscow talks, world leaders met in Berlin on the 19th to discuss the Libyan crisis. The Berlin Conference ended ...

Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Ozersay: “The US move is against Russia!” The Turkish Cypriot Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay striking assessments for Haberturk, regarding the action of the U.S. Congress to lift the arms embargo against the Greek part and to send troops to the Island, “This move is made to reduce the Russian influence in the ...

Throughout their decades long history, Egyptian-Russian relations have never taken a straight line. In some periods, the two countries reached an apex of understanding, while in others they receded to to the point of severing ties altogether. Though consular relations between Egypt and Russia began in 1784, diplomatic relations between Egypt and the Soviet Union started only in 1943. The ...

The recent conference held in the German capital has proven that only Turkey and Russia are in a position to negotiate a peaceful settlement in Libya. Peace talks were held this Sunday as both sides of the conflict in Libya came together in Berlin. As a continuation of the talks on January 13 in Moscow, the two central opposing forces ...

In the months following the attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf, energy supply routes and transit security issues have attracted the attention of the major energy-consuming countries and most global powers. Any insecurity along this critical energy transit route is bound to have a direct impact on the energy security of major energy-consuming countries. On the other hand, ...