By Michael Roberts * After almost two full years of war, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused staggering losses to Ukraine’s people and economy. Ukraine’s GDP fell by 40% in 2022. There was a small recovery in 2023, but an additional 7.1 million Ukrainians now live in poverty. There are various estimates of the number of Ukrainian civilians and military casualties ...

By Özgür Altınbaş Vast grain fields, fertile lands… We are in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast. Millions of tons of grain are produced here and distributed worldwide. It holds significant importance in the Grain Agreement. Our exclusive interview with Yevgeny Balitsky, the Governor of Zaporizhia Oblast, sheds light on this matter. In this part of our series, we are in grain-rich Zaporizhzhia. ...

Istanbul hosted several official and unofficial talks on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. During the Istanbul talks, Russian and Ukrainian officials had almost come to an agreement with Türkiye’s mediation. This agreement, which did not suit the U.S.’s purpose, was undermined with the provocation in Bukcha last year. Then the Grain Corridor Agreement was signed once again with Türkiye’s mediation. This agreement ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani press about danger of nuclear war. We present the interview, published in Azerbaijani Turkish, to our readers translated into English. Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is ready to use nuclear weapons to protect the country’s territory. The statement caused serious concern in the world about the possible ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * First the pandemic first and later the war in Ukraine have caused the world to enter into an accelerated dynamic of transformation and reconstruction. The avalanche of events, happenings and conflicts in which positions of different actors are taking place, aims to verify that we are in a moment of extreme mutation of the international ...

By Jacques Baud * Below, we document an an article by Jacques Baud. Baud’s article have several merits: First of all, Baud is what one would call an insider to intelligence and military affars. He is a former Colonel of the General Staff, former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist in Eastern European countries. He was trained in the American ...

The photos of the Ukrainian city of Bucha have become the main topic in the global public opinion. The Russian side has rejected all accusations very decidedly and pointed to a Western organized provocation. Russia has called for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the incident. But the other members of the UNSC rejected the call. We ...