By Yunus Soner, Caracas / Venezuela Venezuela is heading to presidential elections on July 28. More than 21 million citizens are called to vote, with current President Nicolás Maduro standing for re-election. On the side of the opposition, Edmundo Gonzalez is the leading one in a field of 9 candidates. Government and opposition present opposing political programs in a number ...

In tribute to General Augusto C. Sandino on the 90th anniversary of his passage to immortality Watching the Caribbean Baseball Series on television, beyond the successes of the Venezuelan team that became champion, I did not fail to feel some concerns. Firstly, because the games were held in Miami and secondly, for that reason, Cuba could not participate in them. ...

In a speech in 2016, Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei stated that the term ‘Middle East’ was a result of Western colonialism and that the term ‘West Asia’ should be used instead. The decision of Iran and Saudi Arabia to normalize the relations is, from Khamenei’s perspective, a step that speeds up the Middle East’s becoming West Asia. The impact ...

While the eruption of the clashes in Ukraine nears its first anniversary, the global public opinion debates the emergence of a new world order. The West has imposed sanctions on Russia – which the so-called Global South openly opposes. This has lead to questioning the given order and fuelled debates on the emergence of a multipolar world order. We spoke ...

United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022. Today we present the views of Fernando Esteche, internatipnal relations professore from Argentina. By Fernando Esteche* The 2021 electoral results of different Latin American countries have encouraged superficial analysts to promote inconsistent theories about ...

United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022. Today we present the views of Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, Venezuelan expert on International Relations. Gelfestein takes in his article a global tour before focusing on Latin America. By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein* The end of ...

United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek spoke to the Azerbaijani news outlet on the situation in the southern Caucasus and a possible normalization between Turkey and Armenia. Below we document the interview as published by The subtitles are set by UWI. Normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia will not only help Armenia get out of the difficult ...