The railway tragedy in central Greece, where a still unknown number of mostly young people (probably more than 100) have perished, is an incomprehensible accident. In 2023, it is simply inconceivable that two trains will move on the same track and in opposite directions without anyone in the system – machine or human – watching them and averting the collision. Recently ...

Egypt is now experiencing a real economic crisis, reflected in sequential rises in commodity prices and the decline in the country’s fixed foreign exchange reserves, which has caused a significant drop in the value of the pound against the dollar. Despite what the Egyptian media say, that the crisis is one of the results of the disruption in supply chains ...

For almost eight years now, Ukraine has remained the greatest threat to security and peace in Europe. The internal instability of this country, which is being torn apart between the oligarchs and western capital, is a ticking time bomb. Without disarmament, there can be no meaningful reconfiguration of the international order, and not only in this region of the world. ...