The resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, beyond being a national liberation movement, in the current context has evolved into a significant component and forefront of humanity’s defiance against the unipolar, Western-centric world. In accordance with this reality, Western countries have lined up in support of Israel, their outpost in the East. To avoid any damage on ...

While a live genocide is taking place in Palestine that has lasted for more than a month, sponsored and militarily fueled by the United States, Ukraine, Washington’s other putative daughter, struggles into oblivion. November has made public a series of statements that show the putrid and terminal state in which Kyiv finds itself, just waiting for a last rite that ...

By Eray Güçlüer The developments in the Israel-Hamas conflict suggest that the Kassam Brigades still maintain the initiative. Israel’s ground assault from Sderot has managed to reach a depth of 3-4 kilometers from the northern edge of Gaza to the south. Israeli ground attacks are currently halted at the Beit Hanoun-Beit Lahya line. This line also marks the location of ...

By Shirley Ze Yu If the conflict in Gaza were to spiral to a regional scale, almost certainly, the US would directly intervene, and possibly, China would, too. However, the wars in Ukraine and Gaza also share one aspect in common. Both wars are reflective of global geopolitical competition, with the attempt to re-configure the “century of change.” What has ...

“Independence referendum” in north of Iraq, the US and Israel-backed corridor, US organizing the PKK/PYD, US build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean, two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza, the resistance of the Palestinians… Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı spoke at the workshop titled “Will a Great War Break Out?” organized by the Turkish monthly magazine “Teori”. In his ...

Reporting from Incirlik, Adana, Türkiye This Saturday, Ankara announced to withdraw its ambassador to Israel, criticizing that Tel Aviv does not accept an immediate truce to end the attacks against Palestine. The response came from the United States, with Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who included Türkiye at the last minute in his travel plan through Western Asia. Upon arriving ...

In French democracy, you may say the Algerian Genocide is non-existent, but you may not say that Israel is killing Palestinians. Much like the Armenian issue, France has enacted and enforced a penal law against those who make contrary accusations about Israel’s occupation of Palestine. According to this law, expressing your opinion about Israel is prohibited. However, making the opposite ...

The Israel-Palestine conflict is not limited to just these two countries. Also, the confrontation over the issue of Palestine is not only a matter between the Arab and Islamic geography on the one side, and Israel on the other. As developments have shown, over Gaza there are two camps: Israel and the Atlantic front that supports Israel in every possible ...

By Rafet Ballı My words here are actually directed at those who govern Türkiye. To explain my point clearly, I will first narrate some incidents through Syria. In the spring of 2022, I met with a close friend of General Qasem Soleimani in Tehran. Our conversation revolved around Türkiye-Iran relations and the escalating problems due to the Karabakh issue. Then ...

The conflict around Palestine is continuing. The clashes are more intense around the Gaza Strip, but there is a looming second front in the north, where Israeli forces face the Hezbollah. Both sides exchange fire regularly and daily. Hezbollah provides no official statistics about its military strength, but US sources consider the organization of commanding over a huge number of ...