To General Augusto C. Sandino as we approach the 90th anniversary of his departure to immortality. Nicaragua has had to fight in defense of its sovereignty almost from the moment it was established as an independent republic. From the British invasion of 1847 on its Caribbean coast, and the following year to San Juan and the island of Tigre in ...

Remembering Nicaragua on July 19 is every year a moral obligation for me. In Nicaragua I grew as a person, as a thinking human being and as a fighter for the most just causes of humanity. Thanks to Fidel, I was elevated to the status of internationalist combatant, the highest rank a revolutionary can aspire. Remembering Nicaragua, its noble and ...

Nicaragua’s President has announced a decree that will allow navies and troops of various countries, among them those of the Russian Federation, to enter the countries’ territorial waters. The decree has been approved recently also by the National Assembly of the country. The US government as well as western press has decried the decree as opening the gates of America ...

The US government is making progress on its own territory, but no one less is impressed by that. There is something really ridiculous going on in the US foreign policy – something that reflects a huge decline. There is the event called Summit of the Americas. This is a meeting of the Presidents and leaders of American continents, the north ...

This Sunday, November 7, 2021, general elections were held in the Republic of Nicaragua to elect president, vice president, 90 deputies of the unicameral National Assembly and 20 legislators of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN). The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) reported that more than 4 million Nicaraguans were eligible to vote, for which more than 3,000 voting centers were established ...

Nicaragua’s decision to support Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the presidency of CELAC revealed bilateral tensions between Managua and Buenos Aires. What are the real motives? What other countries are involved in this impasse? What about the left in Latin America? On the surface On July 30, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua reported, ...

For more than a century, the United States has intervened in the internal affairs of Nicaragua in various forms. They occupied the country militarily between 1912 and 1933. They supported the bloody dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza for 42 years (1937-1979). After the emergence of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and its accession to power in 1979, the US organized ...