By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche * When we define the four main vectors by which the imperialist mode of production is reproduced, we say that they are; financialization, militarism, chaotization and narcotization (Esteche – Dagorret)[1]. To different extents and according to the contexts, some of these vectors sometimes become clearer than others. But generally, one can always find them present. ...

By Oscar Rotundo* The neoliberal project developed by Lenin Moreno and Guillermo Lasso has led Ecuador to a decomposition, which in turn permitted narco-paramilitarism to break into the political life of the nation in a scandalous manner. The assassination of political leaders, journalists and the prison massacres in Ecuador in 2023 are a concrete examples of how the lack of presence ...

Senators and Congressmen have introduced both in the House and the Senate several bills and resolutions that propose to designate Mexican drug cartels “foreign terror organizations”. Speaking to UWI, Mexican authors close to the government had evaluated such initiatives as preparing the ground for “cross-border military interventions”. Some bills indeed establish a sanctions regime against foreign governments, should they be ...

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard evaluated the so-called Merida Initiative, which regulates the strategic cooperation between his country and the US, as “dead” in an interview given to the Washington Post on July 29. The statement is the latest link in a number of Mexican steps to curb US influence inside the country as well as Latin America. “The Merida ...