While regional politics is currently marked by “recognition vs. non-recognition, the Venezuelan government has arrested mercenaries. By Micaela Ovelar, Caracas / Venezuela, January 8, 2025 This Friday, January 10, the swearing-in of the President elected on July 28, 2024, Nicolás Maduro Moros, heading to a third term during the period 2025-2031, is scheduled to take place. According to the Bolivarian ...

Two weeks ago, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA -TCP) held its XXIII summit in Caracas, Venezuela. Two readers wrote to me separately, asking if I wasn’t going to write about that event. Coincidentally, a few days later the General Secretariat of ALBA, which has its headquarters here in Caracas, invited me ...

By Guillermo Martín Caviasca, Buenos Aires, Argentina In this interview with the Malvinas war veteran and Chief of Intelligence of the Argentine Navy from 2011 to 2015, Rear Admiral Guillermo Tomé, we look at the different stages of Argentine defense in the last 40 years until reaching the present day. You occupied a privileged position to observe the geopolitical, defense ...

Between February and March of last year I wrote a long report titled “NATO’s growing military presence in Latin America and the Caribbean.” In three articles, I reported on the strong interference of the United States and stated that the military terrorist conglomerate was not only expanding in Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific but also south of the Rio Grande. At ...

The leading world powers convened between November 1884 and February 1885  in the city of Berlin, invited by France and Great Britain and organized by the Chancellor of Germany, Otto von Bismarck, to organize the division of Africa. A few years later, in May 1916, through the Sykes-Picot Agreement, Great Britain and France did the same in Western Asia and ...

In these times, it has become common to speak of the expansion of NATO “towards the east of Europe”, which despite being true, is a limiting description. The truth is that since the end of the bipolar world, the United States, feeling that it owns the world, has used NATO to expand over the entire planet. Proof of this is ...

The history of international relations in Latin America is the history of the unresolved contradiction between the Monroist and Bolivarian thoughts. The first gave rise to the Pan-American idea based on the hegemony of the United States over the region, where the rest of the countries have a subordinate and submissive position. The Bolivarian thought originated as a need to ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * The framework on which the United States has been built upon is sustained by the idea of being a people chosen by God. A close look at the speeches of all its presidents shows the presence and continuity of this concept in all of them, although they have been careful to adapt it to each ...

The US government is making progress on its own territory, but no one less is impressed by that. There is something really ridiculous going on in the US foreign policy – something that reflects a huge decline. There is the event called Summit of the Americas. This is a meeting of the Presidents and leaders of American continents, the north ...