Ukrainian plane crash A passenger plane with 180 passengers on board crashed after taking off from an airport in Tehran on the night of January 8. Later on, Iran admitted that the plane had been shot down by mistake due to the extremely tense standoff with the US. The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran fully acknowledged that the ...

Qassem Soleimani’s assasination The main political event of the first week of 2020 was undoubtedly Washington’s assassination of Qassem Soleimani, Сommander of the IRGC’s Al-Quds Force.( Tensions in Iraq had been escalating throughout the week. On December 29, the US attacked positions of Kataib Hezbollah after accusing Iran of interfering in regional affairs, killing 25 people. In response, on December ...

Discovering new sources of energy always creates the opportunity to increase regional cooperation and increase stability and security in a given region. However, at the same time, these resources can also increase tensions. In recent years, maritime resources have been the focus of both coastal states and trans-regional powers. Numerous meetings have been held with the leaders of the countries ...

Afghanistan Ghani Afghanistan’s incumbent President Ashraf Ghani is leading the race to retake the country’s leadership according to preliminary election results, according to the Afghan National Election Commission. According to an election commission spokesman during a press conference broadcast on the commission’s Facebook, Ghani won with 50.64% of the vote, according to preliminary results. In Second place with 39.52% of ...

Negotiations between the leaders of Turkey and Russia on Libya may open up new prospects for Ankara. While the military situation does not favor Turkey’s allies, things are looking much better on the diplomatic front. On December 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a telephone conversation in which they expressed concern about the clashes in the area of ​​the ...

Turkey – Libya On December 12, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, an Egyptian and Emarati-backed marshal and the head of the East Libyan authority, announced the beginning of a decisive battle and his plans to advancement against Tripoli. Libyan media have reported fighting between Haftar and TNC forces on several fronts as Haftar’s forces approach the Libyan capital. Libya currently has two ...

Donald Trump and Khalifa Haftar are coming closer and closer together, which implies that the confrontation between Libyan Interim Government coalition and the National Forces Alliance (NFC) will soon become inevitable. The United States, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all support Haftar. Haftar himself is actively oppressing Libyan Muslims under the pretext of fighting ISIS. LIBYA’S ...

Faruk Bildirici, one of the distinguished representatives of Turkish journalism, with whom I worked for 27 years at Hürriyet news, has consistently represented the interests of his readers over the past few years. After he was fired several months ago, Bildirici created his own website to continue his work. Last week Bildirici published a curious article entitled “Is Turkey an ...

Relations between Libya, under the control of Khalifa Haftar (Tobruk’s government), and Turkey are at a critical point in the aftermath of an airstrike Haftar`s forces carried out against a refugee camp in Tripoli. Haftar has refused responsibility, calling the incident a false-flag conducted by his rival al-Sarraj.  Harsh statements from both sides quickly followed, including threats of military action: ...

Georgian protests New protests took place this week in Georgia. On July 4, the Georgian Interior Ministry announced the detention of four people accused of assaulting police officers during rallies in central Tbilisi on June 20-21. On Thursday, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it was investigating a meeting about organizing mass riots and an attempted coup d’état to seize ...