By Rodolfo Treber, Buenos Aires, Argentina* In Argentina, the government of Javier Milei is implementing a series of delirious political measures that cannot be explained in any way from the logic of national interest, nor from any economic theory, no matter how liberal and absurd the latter may be. Price liberalization, subsidy removal, devaluation of the local currency, indiscriminate opening ...

By Úrsula Asta, Buenos Aires, Argentina The government of Javier Milei in Argentina began with a package of regressive measures for the vast majority of the people. In the first weeks of his mandate, first, there was an accelerated economic deterioration in form of a mega devaluation of 118 percent and a sharp increase in inflation. Secondly, it issued the ...

Argentina has witnessed this week a general strike that might constitute the start of a long struggle after Javier Milei took office as president of the country. The following article describes Milei’s program. It has been first published in Spanish on PiaGlobal and translated to English by UWI. By Oscar Rotundo, Buenos Aires, Argentina * From dollarization, which would mean ...