The EU has been on a collision course with Iran despite European leaders’ former promises that they would not to adhere to the terms of Trump’s sanctions package. Most damningly, Europe agreed to implement  sanctions against  two Iranian diplomats and  the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence  “for their assassination plots on European soil”. In November, Danish authorities announced  that a Norwegian ...

Over the last three months Iran, which maintains a high level of security in relation to other Middle Eastern countries, has twice been the victim of terrorist attacks. Iranian security forces were the target on both occasions. On the morning of December 6, a pickup truck rigged with explosives and driven by a suicide bomber moved toward a police headquarters ...

It was a tense day in the Iranian parliament, with government opposition even calling it a “black day”. This day marks the anniversary of the day nuclear deal with the 5+1 Group (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) was ratified, a day that divided Iranian domestic politics into two sides: supporters and opponents of engagement with the United States. The story ...

While the leaders of the ‘EU big three’ are pressing ahead with efforts to save the Iran nuclear deal from Trump’s attempts to sabotage it, Denmark has seemingly out of nowhere entered into a serious confrontation with Tehran. Recently, Danish authorities announced the arrest of a Norwegian citizen with an Iranian background. According to Borch Andersen, the head of the Danish ...

Every year on the 4th of November Iranians celebrate an important anniversary in the history of their revolution against the US backed dictatorship. The 4th is the date the “Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line” took over the US embassy in Tehran. As a result of this action, fifty two American Diplomats and Citizens were taken hostage for four hundred ...

The US’ withdrawal from the JCPOA and declaration of a new set of sanctions has been hard to swallow for those planning Iran’s energy sector, as they had been relying on the deal as a means of revivifying Iran’s oil and gas production capacity. These new sanctions are set to be implemented against Iran’s oil and gas sector on November ...

Over the past few decades, the share of natural gas in the global fuel basket has grown considerably. All predictions point to gas becoming the largest source of energy in the world, reaching over 28% by 2035. At present, countries such as US, Russia, Australia have made huge investments aiming to take a higher share of the LNG market. Qatar, ...