By Dr. Yang Chen * Since Donald Trump came to power, the United States has shifted its strategy from war on terror to the great power competition with China and Russia. For the USA, China will be the most important strategic opponent that it needs to confront in a long-term and systematic manner, and positions China as the only country ...

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has concluded its summit in Spain’s capital Madrid. The organization has – after 10 years – approved a new Strategic Concept, stated its intent for enlargement, declared new and deepened conflict lines and announced new steps of militarization. In summary, The United States and its allies have, via the NATO as a military alliance, ...

A statement in March 25, 2021 made by US President Joe Biden during a press conference at the White House, was remarkable: “Look, I predict to you, your children or grandchildren are going to be doing their doctoral thesis on the issue of who succeeded: autocracy or democracy? Because that is what is at stake, not just with China.”[1] This ...

The British invented table tennis, but it became a symbol of China. In April 1971, it passed to be a sports branch and became a new paradigm of international politics known as the ‘Ping-Pong Diplomacy’. After 10 years of no diplomatic contact between them, the US national table tennis team has landed upon invitation in the People’s Republic of China. ...

On March 16th, the British Government has published a report titled “Global Britain in a competitive age: The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy”. The report begins with a forward by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and was presented to the British Parliament. The government has started work on the report, shortened as “Integrated Review”, early 2020 ...

The “Arctic Ocean” or the “Arctic Sea” has turned into one of the major hegemonic conflict areas of the 21st century. The potentiality to connect approximately 75% of the world’s population due to the melting ice, and its rich seabed and living marine resources turns the region into a major arena of great power competition. China’s last year self-definition as ...