The EU has been on a collision course with Iran despite European leaders’ former promises that they would not to adhere to the terms of Trump’s sanctions package. Most damningly, Europe agreed to implement  sanctions against  two Iranian diplomats and  the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence  “for their assassination plots on European soil”. In November, Danish authorities announced  that a Norwegian ...

All Ibero-American countries (from Mexico to Argentina) have been experiencing economic stagnation or, in the best case, slow growth for decades, alongside massive systematic corruption, insecurity, a decrease in GDP per capita, a continuous dependence on debt contracts, as well as educational stagnation. Corruption is indifferent to ideology or party: both left and right governments have a long history diversion ...

Over the past few decades, the ideas of Turkish preacher, writer and political figure Muhammed  Fethullah Gülen have grown in popularity in Turkey, its neighboring countries, in the EU, the United States, and even the former USSR. Fethullah Gülen, for a long time, was an independent preacher, but later he began to attract many like-minded people. Some public figures in ...

Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil and US President Donald Trump’s rush to congratulate the like-minded President-elect, has triggered a debate on the rise of “Trumpism” in Latin American politics. Bolsonaro’s win is important at least for two reasons: first, Brazil is the largest economy in South America and the eighth largest in the world; and second, for the first time ...

Amid scandal and strife, a divided America heads into midterm elections. As Democrats seek to regain control over the House, Republicans have the potential to control the house, senate, presidency and supreme court following the elections. All seats of the House are up for grabs, along with 35 senate seats and 36 governor positions. The election has the potential to ...

Chaos from every circle of hell seems to be breaking lose in the United States as of late. More than 15 bombs marked with ISIS memes were mailed to high profile liberals like George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even the CNN Headquarters. The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania recently became the location of America’s latest mass ...

John Bolton recently referred to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua as a “three tyrants” and announced that sanctions would be imposed against all three. According to him, all three countries will soon experience the “hard sanctions regime”. The main reason, according to Bolton, is human rights violations. The sanctions will include the ban on US citizens who take part in trade ...

Last month, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 826 into law. The legislation mandates that by the end of 2021, all publicly traded companies headquartered in California must include a minimum of two women on five-member boards of directors and a minimum of three women on boards with six or more members. The governor admitted that the national uproar ...

Brazilian elections The elections took place in Brazil on October 7th. Residents of the country voted for a new president, as well as new governors and parliamentarians. According to preliminary data, Jair Bolsonaru received about 46,1% of the vote, and Fernando Jaddad – 29,2%. The second round of presidential elections will take place on October 28. The elections took place ...

Analysts who follow global geopolitical trends frequently come across the phrase: “the 21st century belongs to China”. To lend credibility to the claim, they often mention China’s $1 trillion “one belt, one road” initiative. Through this huge initiative, China is supporting infrastructure projects in strategically-located developing countries while extending loans for those projects. Beijing calls the initiative as a win-win for ...